
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Latest News on Veld Fires in Erongo Region

A total of almost 60 000 ha of natural grazing has been destroyed by wild fires in Erongo Region.

In Okombahe area alone about 30 000 ha was destroyed with 14 farms and 136 households affected. Mr. Keib and Somseb the  Agriculture Extension Technicians from Okombahe tirelessly coordinated the fire fighting effort in Otjimbingwe area.

In Spitzkoppe area about 20 000 ha of grazing was destroyed with 6 farms and 98 households affected. Mr. Goagoseb the Agriculture technician in the area was coordinating the firefighting effort in the area.

The Agriculture staff assisted Forestry staff from Walvis Bay and coordinated the efforts with the Erongo Regional Council.

Report on Field fire devastation in Uis Communal farming area

The Agricultural Development Centre in UIS has witness the trend field fires ravaged the grazing land and domestic livestock. The area affected is the north eastern and eastern side of Uis farming area. The total area affected is +/- 9000 ha.

The fire started on the 4th September 2011 and was extinguished on the 10th September 2011 in Uis area. Almost 7 settlements with 37 farming units( kraals) are affected.
Statistics are deliberated as follow:
  1. Total small stock burnt to death: 547
  2. Total lambs without mothers: suckling: 150 ( no decreasing every day due to mortalities)
  3. Total small stock alive: 3474(sheep & goats)
  4. Total cattle alive:332
  5. Total donkeys and horses alive: 161

Supporting summaries
  1. Feed/licks needed for nurturing live animals
  2. Dry milk powder/feed for small lambs till next rainy season
  3. Wound oil and antibiotics needed to treat affected alive
  4. In case for relocation : provision of water to emergency grazing area/installation of existing unused boreholes

Mr. S. Ganinab
Senior Agricultural Extension Technician

Friday, September 23, 2011

Press Release: Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry

21 September 2011

The Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Forestry is fully aware of the negative social and economic impacts of the animal movement and marketing restrictions in parts of Otjozondjupa and Omaheke regions.  Namibia does not permit wild African buffalo to roam freely in the Foot and Mouth Disease free zone.  All buffalo sightings must be immediately reported to the Directorate of Veterinary Services (DVS) and the Directorate of Parks and Wild Life Management in the Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

The precautionary measures in the Otjozondjupa and Omaheke regions were taken to rule out the possibility that the two buffaloes which were sighted and subsequently destroyed in the area had transmitted foot and mouth disease to livestock in the area.

The scheduled inspections and tests in the current restricted areas have now been completed and so far no evidence of disease has been found.  However, the Directorate of Veterinary Services is still making follow up investigations on new developments in the Otjozondjupa region which have necessitated delaying a decision on the lifting of the current restrictions.  The restrictions will thus remain in place until further notice.  A press statement outlining the way forward will be made on Friday.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Forestry would like to thank members of the affected farming community for their cooperation and is appealing for patience whilst we try to find a lasting solution that will not negatively affect the livestock industry.

Ms Anna Shiweda
Deputy Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry  

Friday, September 9, 2011

Omkhaibasin Farmers Cooperative Auction results

The OKFC had a very successful production auction on the 27th of August 2011.

Livestock on offer:
Goat rams 10 sold 10
Sheep rams 30 sold 10
Goat eves 15 sold 15
Sheep ewes 45 sold 41
Total income from the auction = N$ 68 985-00

Veld Fires cause devastation in Erongo Region

Veld fires caused devastation in the Uis, Okombahe, Spitzkoppe, Otjimbingwe and Omaruru areas. Tens of thousands of hectares burnt down. In the Uis Okombahe area over 50 cattle, 200 goats and 130 lambs burnt to death. These figures are for Wednesday, 7 September 2011.

The fires are still raging out of control. Agriculture Extension staff members from Uis and Okombahe are coordinating the Fire fighting along with Forestry personnel from Walvis Bay.

At Otjimbingwe damage was caused to the demonstration garden  of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry.
In the pictures:
Mr. Christiaan (Chief Technician) and Mr. Tsamaseb (Head of Otjimbingwe Agriculture Centre) surveys the damage at the demonstration garden.
Mr. Tsamaseb with the maize under Drip irrigation that narrowly escaped the devastating fire.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Livestock Management Calendar

A Livestock Management Calendar for Namibian extensive farming conditions was developed by The Meat Board of Namibia and Agra Professional Services. Please download it at: