Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Omatjette Farmers Information and World Food Day, 18 October 2011

A farmers information day at Omatjette was organised by the Omatjette Agriculture Development Center on Tuesday the 18th of October 2011.  The function was attended by His Excellency, Chief Zerua, Honorable  Katjiku (Councilor of the Daures Constituency), Mr. Uaseuapuani (Senior Traditional Councillor and Chairperson of  Ohungu Conservancy), Mr. Kamatuka (Chairperson of Tjohorongo-Kondjee Farmers Association) and Mr. Tjinouhona, the Master/Director of Ceremonies who represented the Directorate of Rural Water Supply from Karibib.

During his official opening remarks, Mr. Renier D. Burger, the Chief Agriculture Extension Officer/Adviser for Erongo Region urged farmers to remain organised within their Farmers Associations, Cooperatives and Conservancy Committees as organised communities stand at the center of their own development. He further encouraged the continuation of the multidisciplinary, participatory community demand driven Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) approach  implemented by means of the Forum for Integrated  Recourse Management (FIRM) and monitored by the very successful Local Level Monitoring System (LLM). The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry through its 7 Agriculture Development Centers in Erongo Region will continue to participate in Sustainable Natural Resource Management supporting the CBNRM through its Farming Systems Research and Extension approach.
Stanley Kahirimana from the MEAT BOARD demonstrated to farmers the compulsory ear tags and  how to complete Animal Registration Card's correctly.
The Animal Registration Card

Mr. Jack Tjijahura a Veterinary Technician from the Omaruru DVS office gave a  presentation on Enzootic Abortion (Chlamydioses). This presentation can be downloaded at: https://www.box.net/shared/g0jl3522l52x6ah9lq3q
Mr. Nekwaya Leevi an Extension Officer from Omaruru Agriculture Development Center gave a very informative presentation on Bush Enchroatchment. His presentation can be downloaded at: https://www.box.net/shared/b7exkdg8cdljrnhxhi7i
There was also a good presentation on how to prepare show animals by Mr. Karipata and Katjivena from Omatjenne Research Station (Otjiwarongo)
Miss. Lahja Amakali, the Agriculture technician from Omatjette ADC with one of the marula seedlings amongs other fruit trees (30) that was handed over to 3 schools in Omatjette to commemorate World Food Day.
Chief Zerua (on the right) handing over one of the trees
Farmers attending the Omatjette Farmers Information Day
The day was concluded with a traditional meal prepared by Otjihekuta Catering from Omatjette, sponsored by the Directorate of Extension and Engineering Services in Erongo Region. 

Abattoir Prices Namibia 25 October 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Namibia Agriculture Union Weekly Newsletter

WEEKLY NEWS – 21 October 2011
In today’s newsletter –
·         NAU Congress enjoys wide media coverage
·         NAU thanks sponsors
·         FA and other news

NAU Congress enjoys wide media coverage
The recent NAU and LPO congresses enjoyed wide media coverage on radio as well as in the written and electronic media. Around 10 interviews over the various radio stations including Channel 7, Kosmos and the Afrikaans and National Services of the NBC were done. Directly after the Congress the Executive Manager was interviewed on NBC TV “Business Today” (Thursday, October 13 at 20:45) following the speech of the Director General of the National Planning Commission, Mr Tom Alweendo on TV.
The media reports also led to various enquiries at the office by inter alia the European Union and other Embassies about especially the speech of the president of the NAU during the official opening.
The future ownership and management of Meatco also were of interest for the media and various enquiries about the NAU’s viewpoint thereof were made by the media and private persons.
The Executive Council of the NAU would like to thank the media for their interest and positive reporting of the past congresses and in general about the reporting of NAU matters.
NAU thanks sponsors
Sponsorships are an indissoluble part of the NAU and LPO Congresses each year. The Executive Council of the NAU would like to thank the following sponsors who contributed towards the successes of the LPO and NAU Congresses this year:
·         Nictus Group (Nictus Furnishers, Auas Motors, Corporate Guarantee) for the NAU Congress
·         Mutual & Federal as main sponsor for the NAU official opening as well as the NAU / Mutual & Federal Young Farmer of the Year (including the costs for the judging)
·         Standard Bank as co-sponsor of the NAU official opening
·         FNB Agri and Santam Namibia as co-sponsors of the LPO Congress
·         Meatco for the LPO function
·         NAMCO for the office of the NAU staff during the Congress as well as the Agricultural Woman of the Year, Most Active Regional Agricultural Union and Most Active Farmers Association
·         Feedmaster for the Community Project of the Year
·         Agra for the Media Personality of the Year

FA and other news
Kalkfeld FA is holding a meeting on November 2 at 08:30 at Farm Ovigere of Dirk and StienieMudge. Further details from Mrs Sylvia Friedensdorf, Tel 067 290144, kfriedensdorf@iway.na.
Osire-Waterberg FA is holding a meeting on October 25 at 14:00 in the FA hall. Guest speakers are Mr H Herbst and T Pretorius who are giving information about radio frequencies. For further details contact Mrs Dagmar Wilckens, Tel 067 306201, wilckens@iway.na.
Karibib FA is holding a meeting on October 22 at 17:00 at Farm Habis of Dr H Schneider. For further details contact Mr Swart, Tel 061 241191.
The 2012 Meatco Inter Farmers Association braai competition will be held on March 31, 2012 at the Keetmanshoop Show Grounds. The theme is “//karas” (which means Kokerboom). Exhibitors can book their exhibition space now already. Entries for the braai teams close on February 15, 2011. Further details for the booking of stands can be obtained from ANTOINETTE OOSTHUYSEN, Tel 063 683433, antoinetteoosthuysen@iway.na. To enter braai teams – FA and social, contact BRENDA KOTZE, Tel 063 281208, Kalahari@iway.na and any other information can be obtained from WILLEM STEENKAMP, Tel 063 280655, toulon@iway.na.
The Ombotozu Conservancy is holding a game day on November 12 at 09:00 at Farm Ovita of Mr Claus Nebe. Speakers are Dr Axel Rothauge, DrCornelis van der Waal, Norton Izaks and Louis Potgieter. At 15:00 a field visit will take place. For further details contact MrG Muller, Tel 062 518372, Johan Kotze, 062 518358 or Willem Tromp, 062 518343.
Maltahöhe FA is holding a meeting and year end on November 16 at 09:00 at the Namseb Game Lodge. During the meeting Mr Johan Grobbelaar will talk about the (bow) hunting shop and Mrs du Plessis of Standard Bank about Testaments. After the meeting the Annual General Meeting will be held during which a new management will be elected. For further details contact Christian Otto, Tel 063 293512, ottojagd@iway.na

Thursday, October 20, 2011


The October addition of AGRIFORUM is available at retail outlets nationwide.
 Articles in this edition

Friday, October 14, 2011

Namibia Agriculture Union

WEEKLY NEWS – 14 October 2011
In today’s newsletter –
·         NAU reflects on employment creation
·         Economy must grow 7 – 9% over the next 15 years
·         Cost-advantage analysis required  for traceability and natural production
·         Concern about animal health status
·         FA and other news

NAU reflects on employment creation
The 65th Congress of the Namibia Agricultural Union which was held this week under the theme „Economic Growth and employment creation“ reflected on how the agricultural sector could contribute towards the national problem of employment creation in the country. The Congress point of discussion was introduced by the Executive Manager of the NAU, MrSakkie Coetzee with background information about the position of agriculture in the economy. The Director General of the National Planning Commission, Mr Tom Alweendo, who attended this introduction expanded further on the theme during his speech as keynote speaker the evening whilst Prof Johan Willemse of the University of the Freestate was the guest speaker the next day.
Against the background of the introduction and the speeches, Congress held a lively debate where after the following decision was taken by Congress:
Congress requests the Executive Council to negotiate with Government to –
1.      to establish an enabling environment for the agricultural sector to grow and prosper and through that encourage job creation
  1. support all initiatives in the establishment of goal focused small enterprises and actions in support of employment opportunities in the agricultural sector

The NAU plans to draft a working document against the background of the information given by the speakers and Congress and to discuss this with Government by means of a working committee.
Economy must grow 7 – 9% over the next 15 years
The Director General of the National Planning Commission, Mr Tom Alweendo said during the official opening of the 65th Congress of the NAU this week that the economy must grow between 7 and 9% over the next 15 years in order to reach the aims of Vision 2030. According to him this might be possible, but will require certain fundamental challenges.
According to MrAlweendo it will take a purposeful decision by all role players in the economy and a joint attempt to reach this aim. We again have to reflect whether Namibia has to continue to specialize in this which Namibia sees as natural and whether we will have to decide to get internationally competing in certain specific aspects. One of the areas in which Namibia must improve is the competitiveness on world markets.
According to him agriculture has been identified as one of the sectors which can contribute towards increased production and economic growth. Real attempts must be done to address for example the de-bushing problem in order to increase production and also to bring animals north of the veterinary cordon fence into the mainstream of the economy. Public investing in the agricultural sector and the transformation thereof to an export industry is necessary. More attention must also be given to research and development and the use of latest technology to increase production.
MrAlweendo is confident that Namibia has a realistic chance to become a dynamic economy which can create employment opportunities and compete internationally.
Cost-advantage analysis required for traceability and natural production
The Livestock Producers Organisation (LPO) was requested this week to investigate a cost advantage analysis against the background of the market requirements and the realities and potential income of the livestock industry.
Currently the European Union as one of the primary markets of the livestock industry requires large inputs from the producer’s side. The inputs include inter alia the non-use of growing stimulants and hormones, a complete traceability system and other requirements which also require costs from the producers. The question is whether these costs comply with these markets, still hold an advantage for the Namibian meat industry in comparison with the requirements of other markets.
A further request from the Congress was to determine the most optimal production system in Namibia in comparison with the potential markets as well as the most probable future scenario taking the sustainability of such a system into consideration. 
Concern about animal health status
The presence of buffalo’s which carried the dreaded foot-and-mouth disease virus, forced the LPO Congress to request that the Directorate of Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Forestry do everything in their power to handle the animal health status of Namibia in support of keeping the international markets of the red meat industry. Congress especially requested that the veterinary cordon fence as well as the Namibia Botswana international and other veterinary fences must be maintained.
NAU honours achievers
During the past NAU Congress various achievers were again honoured. For the first time this year the Feedmaster Community Project of the Year award was presented. This award was given to MrHellmut von Leipzig, one of the initiators of the Johanniter Heim Khoaeb, Otavi.
The Mutual & Federal Young Farmer of the Year 2011 was awarded to Timo and Inéz Miller of the Helmeringhausen FA and the runner up is Willem and NicoleneGroenewald of Noordgrens FA.
The Namco 2011 Agricultural Woman of the Year was awarded to Mrs Louisa Campbell of the Helmeringhausen FA.
The Agra Media Personality of the Year was awarded to Mr Dirk Heinrich of the AllgemeineZeitung.
The Namco most active Regional Agricultural Union went to the Karasburg RAU and the Namco most active Farmers Association to Ariamsvlei FA.
The president of the NAU, MrRyno van der Merwe, the Executive Council and the management of the NAU would like to congratulate all achievers in the different fields.
Kalla&SigiHeimstädt say thank you
We herewith would like to express our gratitude to everybody who assisted us with the control of the veld fire on Arcadia and Travena. We are grateful to be part of such a wonderful community. Through your fast help and unselfish inputs we were able to minimize the damages substantially. Thank you very very much.
Nauchas FA says thank you
The Nauchas Farmers Association would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who put in everything to extinguish the veld fire where at times there was danger for lives, fire fighters lost their hope but still carried on to fight the fire. Thank you for each one:
We would like to especially thank the following:
Leon Smit and his team (road builders who gravel the C14 from Solitaire) who made their water Lorrie available so that we could use water when needed. They also scraped the fire belts, if it would not have been for them there would have been bigger problems. Thank you Leon.
Soussousvlei Lodge, Bullsport, Gamsberg farmers as well as the Mariental and Maltahöhe Police who travelled more than 100km to help us. Thank you very much.
All the women who saw to it that everybody had some food and water thank you!
Last, but most important, thank you to our Heavenly Father who protected everybody, nobody was injured during the fire fighting and I promise the times of miracles are not over.

FA and other news
Kalkfeld FA is holding a meeting on November 2 at 08:30 at farm Hamburg of Fam P Beckers. For further details contact Mrs Sylvia Friedensdorf, Tel 067 290144, kfriedensdorf@iway.na. The year end function of Kalkfeld FA will be held on December 3.
Witvlei FA is holding a meeting on October 19 at 15:00 at the farmer house at Witvlei. Guest speaker is MrMerweFourie who will talk about FANMeateartags and scanners. For further details contact Monica Bouwer, Tel 062 570317, gmbouwer@iway.na.
The 2012 Meatco Inter Farmers Association braai competition will be held on March 31, 2012 at the Keetmanshoop Show Grounds. The theme is “//karas” (which means Kokerboom). Exhibitors can book their exhibition space now already. Entries for the braai teams close on February 15, 2011 and further details can be obtained from Willem Steenkamp, Tel 063 280655, 081 3194062, Toulon@iway.na. or Brenda Kotze, Tel 063 281208, 081 2277735, kalahari@iway.na.
Steinhausen FA is holding a member meeting on October 19, 2011 at 15:00 at Farm Steinhausen in the FA hall. Guest speaker is Mr Oliver Horsthemke of FNB who will give an economic overview with regard to farming. For further details contact MaykeRumpf, Tel 062 561422, combumbi@iway.na
The Ombotozu Conservancy is holding a game day on November 12 at 09:00 at Farm Ovita of Mr Claus Nebe. Speakers are Dr Axel Rothauge, DrCornelis van der Waal, Norton Izaks and Louis Potgieter. At 15:00 a field visit will take place. For further details contact MrG Muller, Tel 062 518372, Johan Kotze, 062 518358 or Willem Tromp, 062 518343.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Omaruru Support Group Gardening Project

The group was initiated during December 2008 with assistance from the Omaruru DEES office in collaboration with the District Aids Committee (DAC).
The group aims to improve the nutritional status of members and the community and to generate income by selling surplus. Their target  group are HIV infected and affected people, orphans and vulnerable children.

The group is in urgent need of finances to upgrade their garden with a drip irrigation system.
For Support please contact the Chairperson, Mrs. Pensel at 0812235761

In the pictures: Mr Tsamaseb Agriculture Technician (blue over-all) from Otjimbingwe busy training the   group members.
                       Mrs. Pensel with some of the vegetables produced.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Namibia Agriculture Union News

WEEKLY NEWS – 7 October 2011
In today’s newsletter –
·         Meatco General Meeting
·         NAU & LPO Congresses 2011
·         FA and other news

Meatco General Meeting
An urgent notification is given for a general meeting of Meatco which will be held on Friday, October 14, 2011 at 10:00 at the Windhoek Country Club and Resort. The meeting is convened to discuss the restructuring of the ownership of Meatco.
All Meatco producers are encouraged to attend this very important meeting. For further details contact EbbenKalondo, Tel 081 1270010, VehakaTjimune, Tel 081 2683503 orCyprianusKhaiseb, Tel 081 1287408.
NAU & LPO Congresses 2011
The annual Congresses of the NAU and the LPO will be held next week Tuesday to Thursday at the Arebbush Travel Lodge, Windhoek. The LPO Congress starts on Tuesday morning under the theme “Optimal Meat Production” whilst the NAU Congress starts on Wednesday afternoon under the theme “Agricultural Growth central to Employment Creation”.
A general discussion point about employment creation in the agricultural sector will serve as stimulus for the delegates to reflect on how the agricultural sector can contribute towards the national problem of employment creation in the country. Mr Tom Alweendo, the Director General of the National Planning Commission which stands central to the TIPEEG program (Target Intervention Program for Employment and Economic Growth) of the state, will be the guest speaker on Wednesday evening at the official opening. Prof Johan Willemse, a well known agricultural economist of the University of the Free State will elaborate further the theme on Thursday morning where after congress delegates will get the opportunity to make recommendations on this important subject.
MrPoenaPotgieter, the chairperson of the Meat Board will be the opening speaker at the LPO Congress whilst Dr Willem Schultheiss, a retired veterinarian from South Africa, will talk about record keeping as instrument for optimal meat production.
During both Congresses the president of the NAU and also the chairman of the LPO will give feedback about the activities of these organizations during the past year. Both Congresses promise to be interesting and we trust that delegate of the Farmers Associations and guests will have something to reflect on.

We say thank you
The van Wyk family, Rynault and Elfriede would like to express their sincere and greatest appreciation towards the farming community of Dordabis and Uhlenhorst for their brave, fearless and fast actions during the fire which was started by lightning on Thursday, September 29, on the farm Klein-Nauas / Kiripotip and surrounding farms. The golden rule of “under normal circumstances it is my land, but if a natural disaster threatens, it belongs to all of us” was here applicable. Nothing was spared, not you and your workers, your vehicles, petrol, hose machines, nothing was spared, but we could not THANK you, as you were in the trenches until the early hours. Really team work. And you did ask for nothing, only gave …. Again our greatest gratitude.
Special acknowledgement to Frikkie Engels, who, like a fight general gave orders and guidelines to his troops on his call radio. Our biggest gratitude to the Heavenly Father, you can see His Hand here, no loss of stock, or I am not aware of any.
With thanks: Rynault and Elfriede, Allistaire and Megan van Wyk
We say thank you
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who helped during the fire on Thursday evening, September 29, 2011 and Friday, September 30, 2011 on the farms Goliath, Klein Nouas, Kiripotip, Albano&LauwaterSud. Without everybody’s help and fast reaction the damages would have been much worse.
Frikkie and Annetjie Engels (LauwaterSud)

FA and other news
Witvlei FA is holding a meeting on October 19 at 15:00 at the farmer house at Witvlei. Guest speaker is MrMerweFourie who will talk about FANMeateartags and scanners. For further details contact Monica Bouwer, Tel 062 570317, gmbouwer@iway.na.
Karibib FA is holding a meeting on October 22 at 17:00 at Farm Habis of Dr H Schneider. For further details contact Mr Swart, Tel 061 241191.
The 2012 Meatco Inter Farmers Association braai competition will be held on March 31, 2012 at the Keetmanshoop Show Grounds. The theme is “//karas” (which means Kokerboom). Exhibitors can book their exhibition space now already. Entries for the braai teams close on February 15, 2011 and further details can be obtained from Willem Steenkamp, Tel 063 280655, 081 3194062, Toulon@iway.na. or Brenda Kotze, Tel 063 281208, 081 2277735, kalahari@iway.na.

Erongo Agriculture Extension Quarterly Reporting Meeting

Mr. Abraham Christiaan presenting on the progress of activity implementation of sustainable agriculture practices in Erongo Region during the Agriculture Extension Quarterly Reporting Meeting at the Forestry office in Walvis Bay from 25 to 26 September 2011.

Small scale Drip Demo

Mr. Ludwig Auchamub planting maize seeds (Zama Star) at the Omaruru Agriculture office demonstration plot. Small scale drip irrigation is targeted in Erongo Region as one of the best ways to improve household food security.

MEATCO Meeting