
Monday, October 24, 2011

Namibia Agriculture Union Weekly Newsletter

WEEKLY NEWS – 21 October 2011
In today’s newsletter –
·         NAU Congress enjoys wide media coverage
·         NAU thanks sponsors
·         FA and other news

NAU Congress enjoys wide media coverage
The recent NAU and LPO congresses enjoyed wide media coverage on radio as well as in the written and electronic media. Around 10 interviews over the various radio stations including Channel 7, Kosmos and the Afrikaans and National Services of the NBC were done. Directly after the Congress the Executive Manager was interviewed on NBC TV “Business Today” (Thursday, October 13 at 20:45) following the speech of the Director General of the National Planning Commission, Mr Tom Alweendo on TV.
The media reports also led to various enquiries at the office by inter alia the European Union and other Embassies about especially the speech of the president of the NAU during the official opening.
The future ownership and management of Meatco also were of interest for the media and various enquiries about the NAU’s viewpoint thereof were made by the media and private persons.
The Executive Council of the NAU would like to thank the media for their interest and positive reporting of the past congresses and in general about the reporting of NAU matters.
NAU thanks sponsors
Sponsorships are an indissoluble part of the NAU and LPO Congresses each year. The Executive Council of the NAU would like to thank the following sponsors who contributed towards the successes of the LPO and NAU Congresses this year:
·         Nictus Group (Nictus Furnishers, Auas Motors, Corporate Guarantee) for the NAU Congress
·         Mutual & Federal as main sponsor for the NAU official opening as well as the NAU / Mutual & Federal Young Farmer of the Year (including the costs for the judging)
·         Standard Bank as co-sponsor of the NAU official opening
·         FNB Agri and Santam Namibia as co-sponsors of the LPO Congress
·         Meatco for the LPO function
·         NAMCO for the office of the NAU staff during the Congress as well as the Agricultural Woman of the Year, Most Active Regional Agricultural Union and Most Active Farmers Association
·         Feedmaster for the Community Project of the Year
·         Agra for the Media Personality of the Year

FA and other news
Kalkfeld FA is holding a meeting on November 2 at 08:30 at Farm Ovigere of Dirk and StienieMudge. Further details from Mrs Sylvia Friedensdorf, Tel 067 290144,
Osire-Waterberg FA is holding a meeting on October 25 at 14:00 in the FA hall. Guest speakers are Mr H Herbst and T Pretorius who are giving information about radio frequencies. For further details contact Mrs Dagmar Wilckens, Tel 067 306201,
Karibib FA is holding a meeting on October 22 at 17:00 at Farm Habis of Dr H Schneider. For further details contact Mr Swart, Tel 061 241191.
The 2012 Meatco Inter Farmers Association braai competition will be held on March 31, 2012 at the Keetmanshoop Show Grounds. The theme is “//karas” (which means Kokerboom). Exhibitors can book their exhibition space now already. Entries for the braai teams close on February 15, 2011. Further details for the booking of stands can be obtained from ANTOINETTE OOSTHUYSEN, Tel 063 683433, To enter braai teams – FA and social, contact BRENDA KOTZE, Tel 063 281208, and any other information can be obtained from WILLEM STEENKAMP, Tel 063 280655,
The Ombotozu Conservancy is holding a game day on November 12 at 09:00 at Farm Ovita of Mr Claus Nebe. Speakers are Dr Axel Rothauge, DrCornelis van der Waal, Norton Izaks and Louis Potgieter. At 15:00 a field visit will take place. For further details contact MrG Muller, Tel 062 518372, Johan Kotze, 062 518358 or Willem Tromp, 062 518343.
Maltahöhe FA is holding a meeting and year end on November 16 at 09:00 at the Namseb Game Lodge. During the meeting Mr Johan Grobbelaar will talk about the (bow) hunting shop and Mrs du Plessis of Standard Bank about Testaments. After the meeting the Annual General Meeting will be held during which a new management will be elected. For further details contact Christian Otto, Tel 063 293512,

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