
Monday, November 7, 2011

Namibia Agriculture Union Weekly Newsletter

WEEKLY NEWS – 4 November 2011
In today’s newsletter –
·         Slaughtering at export abattoirs for the EU-market
·         Dairy Producers Association (DPA) management met for the last time in 2011
·         FA and other news

Slaughtering at export abattoirs for the EU-market
As from November 1, 2011 the EU 40/90 days residence requirements will be applied strictly by the Directorate of Veterinary Services (DVS). Animals which have not resided for 40 days at one place can be slaughtered, but the meat does NOT qualify for the EU market (also the price).
After applying the new ear tags, producers have to complete the registration card and submit it to the DVS office within 14 days. Producers are also REQUESTED to ask for PROOF that the card was submitted. These animals are then registered on the central database of DVS. In this way DVS gives a guarantee to the EU that these animals were on a farm for 40 days before slaughtering.
Numerous producers already fulfilled these requirements whilst there are some who did not fulfill them. A further problem is that DVS is not quite up to date with the capturing of the registration cards and the transport permits (at least movement of animals). Thus it is requested that producers ensure themselve that these specific animals are registered on the central database before slaughtering at an export abattoir. This can be done in different ways:
1.    Through the company which is responsible for the capturing of this data. This company has a helpdesk to which enquiries can be addressed: Aveshe data entry unit: Tel: 061-227036, Fax: 061-228361, email:;
2.    Or to register on the website:
Dairy Producers Association (DPA) management met for the last time in 2011
On Wednesday, November 2, 2011 the DPA management met to discuss some urgent matters which were on the Agenda. One of the most urgent matters is the dumping of subsidized milk products on the Namibian shelves which influence the local dairy industry negatively. Clover now officially has a distribution point in Namibia and UHT milk products from Argentine, Brazil and Uruguay are now on Namibian and Botswana shelves. A DPA submission has already been given to the Permanent Secretary of Trade and Industry about the effect of dumping on the dairy industry and possible protection measures. Further appointments are currently made with the Permanent Secretaries of Agriculture as well as Finance.
Regarding the increasing input costs, dairy producers are currently busy to look at their own effectiveness especially in the light of savings with regard to transport.
As soon as the secretariat has received the latest information, producers will be informed individually about the new quotas for November 2011 until February 2012.
Namlits information
Any enquiries related to information captured on Namlits, eg cattle registration, movement permits, etc can be directed to Aveshe Data Entry Unit – Helpdesk, Tel 061 227036, Fax 061 228361,
Proceedings of the 2011 Namibia Rangeland Forum at the Waterberg Plateau Park
To have access to documents of the proceedings of the Namibia Rangeland Forum (8 & 9 September 2011), please click on:
Charcoal producers meet
Veld fires increased drastically the past few weeks, especially in the central-northern parts of Namibia. Thousands of ha’s rangeland burnt down and large numbers of game and cattle died in these veld fires.

Following this and the recent reports in which charcoal production was given as one of the results of veld fires, all producers are invited to a special meeting by the Charcoal Producers Association (CPA).

Subjects which are inter alia discussed are the possible causes of veld fires, fire belts and other preventative measures, the implication of veld fires on charcoal production as well as labour legislation for charcoal burners. The meeting will be held on November 15 at 09:00 at Farm Pierre of MrGroenewald, about 70km from Outjo on the road to Otavi.

Please confirm your attendance before or on November 8 with FransHolzkampf at 081 2406181 or Willem Enslin at 081 2305078.

NAPHA will hold their Annual General Meeting
NAPHA (Namibia Professional Hunting Association) will hold their Annual General Meeting on November 22 &23 at the Heja Game Lodge outside Windhoek The meeting starts on November 22 at 08:30 until 10:00 (thereafter is a closed session) and on November 23 from 08:00 to 13:00. The gala dinner is held on November 22 at 18:30 for 19:00. For further details contact MarsofineKynauw, Tel 061 234455,
FA and other news
Dordabis FA will hold a meeting and year end function on November 17 at 10:00 at Farm Binsenheim of Walter and Christine Romeis. Guest speakers are Insp S Burger from the stock theft unit from the Khomas region Police and Mr Walter Romeis. For further details contact Christine Romeis, Tel 061 231230,
Gamsberg FA is holding its year end function which will be a Hippie party. This party will be held on November 19 at 19:00 at the FA hall and the best “Hippie Dress” will get a prize. Hippie children are also welcome and registration is N$100 for adults and N$50 for children under 12 years. Please reply not later than November 11 to Mrs Adele Cranz, Tel 081 2739525,
Omurambo FA is holding its Annual General Meeting on November 15 at 15:00 at Kroonster. For further details contact MrsMarikaEngelbrecht, Tel 062 571545,
Summerdown FA is holding a meeting on November 16 at 15:00 at the FA hall. Guest speakers are Messrs Tyrone Gilbert of Basil Reed and Insp Johan Vermeulen who will talk about Police reservists. Everybody is welcome. For further information contact MardaleenDerks, Tel 081 2779735,
Maltahöhe FA is holding a meeting and year end on November 16 at 09:00 at the Namseb Game Lodge. During the meeting Mr Johan Grobbelaar will talk about the (bow) hunting shop and Mrs du Plessis of Standard Bank about Testaments. After the meeting the Annual General Meeting will be held during which a new management will be elected. For further details contact Christian Otto, Tel 063 293512,
The Ombotozu Conservancy is holding a game day on November 12 at 09:00 at Farm Ovita of Mr Claus Nebe. Speakers are Dr Axel Rothauge, DrCornelis van der Waal, Norton Izaks and Louis Potgieter. At 15:00 a field visit will take place. For further details contact MrG Muller, Tel 062 518372, Johan Kotze, 062 518358 or Willem Tromp, 062 518343.
Uhlenhorst FA is holding a meeting on November 26 at 15:00 at the FA hall. Guest speaker is MrAppie van Niekerk who will talk about electric fencing on farms. A new management will be elected. For further details contact Mr Willie, Krügel, Tel 063 265311, 081 2492509,
The 2012 Meatco Inter Farmers Association braai competition will be held on March 31, 2012 at the Keetmanshoop Show Grounds. The theme is “//karas” (which means Kokerboom). Exhibitors can book their exhibition space now already. Entries for the braai teams close on February 15, 2011. Further details for the booking of stands can be obtained from ANTOINETTE OOSTHUYSEN, Tel 063 683433, To enter braai teams – FA and social, contact BRENDA KOTZE, Tel 063 281208, and any other information can be obtained from WILLEM STEENKAMP, Tel 063 280655,

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