
Monday, November 21, 2011

Namibia Agriculture Union Weekly Newsletter

WEEKLYS NEWS – 18 November 2011
In today’s newsletter –
·         NamLITS database
·         Charcoal producers talk about veld fires
·         FA and other news

NamLITS database
Producers are again made attend on the request that the following must be adhered to:
1.    Owners of livestock must apply the approved ear tags as from the age of 6 months
2.    The coupled registration card must be completed correctly (especially with regard to the farm where the animal is) and submitted within 14 days to the nearest Veterinary office (DVS)
3.    Movement permits must be returned to the nearest DVS office within 14 days
4.    Proof of receipt must be given to the producer. The DVS official is also responsible to verify the data
Producers are also requested to register on the NamLITS database on the website in order to verify their own data.
Furthermore there are also the so-called “help desks” where producers can make enquiries:
Aveshe Data Entry Unit – HELPDESK
Tel: 061 227036 Fax: 061 228361 email:
Mrs. Zandrie Nortje
Tel: 061 275851 Fax: 061238839 email:
Finally producers have to ensure, before the animals are heading to an export abattoirs, that these animals are registered on the database and comply to the 40/90 days requirement.
Charcoal producers talk about veld fires
The Charcoal Producers Association held a special meeting on Tuesday, November 15 at Farm Pierre of Mr Willem Groenewald in order to reflect about the danger of veld fires due to charcoal production. During the meeting certain measures were accepted in order to prevent veld fires. These measures include inter alia –
·         That charcoal production must take place in camps which are already grazed
·         As an alternative, that a 6 meter fire belt be scraped around the camp in which charcoal production is taking place
·         That at least a 3 meter belt around the kiln is cleaned before it is used for charcoal production
·         That charcoal burners are equipped with basic fire fighting equipment and
·         That neighbours are informed of charcoal production on a specific farm
The management of the Charcoal Producers Association will again enter into discussions with the Directorate Forestry in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Forestry about the promulgation of regulations for charcoal production. Should charcoal producers not adhere to such regulations, their permits can be suspended by the Directorate of Forestry.
We say thank you
We would like to thank all the people for the fast assistance and input with the veld fire on our farm Tokat on November 78, 2011. Stephanie and Angelika Kuehl

Nursery schools on farms
Amos Namibia would like to assist with vesting nursery schools (pre-primary school children) on farms in 2012 as they are of the opinion that this is the best and only way to help children on farms to reach their potential – thus make them ready for school! Their working ways are as follows: Farmworkers women are trained free of charge in Windhoek by AKM (Aksie Kinder Mobilisasie). Lessons are given in Afrikaans and English. AKM also assist with erecting a small school.
If there are children on farms and in the vicinity who could benefit from such pre-school training and if there are women who could go for a training course from November 28 – December 2, 2011, please contact Judie Wiese at Tel 062 570316, 081 1271018.

ATCK courses
The Agricultural Training College Krumhukis offering the following two-year courses for 2012: sustainable agriculture and farm household management. Students between 18 and 25 years who can communicate in English and are in possession of a grade 10 certificate can apply for these courses. The costs are N$1 500 for the first 3 months introduction course and N$10 000 for the full two years. For further details and application forms contact Krumhuk College at Tel 061 400677, There are also applications forms available at the NAU office, 114 Robert Mugabe Ave, Windhoek.
FA and other news
Witvlei FA is holding its year end function on December 3 at 18:00 in the farmerhouse at Witvlei. Before the year end function there will be a short FA meeting. Please register not later than November 21 with Wilfried, Tel 062 570340 or Monica, Tel 062 570317,
Bethanie FA is holding its year end function on November 25 at 17:00 at the Bethanie Hotel. This will be a bring and braai. For further details contact Ina de Klerk, Tel 063-683521, 081 2743860,
Helmeringhausen FA is holding a meeting on November 30 at 14:00 at the FA centre. Guest speaker is a representative from the stock theft unit of the Namibia Police in Keetmanshoop. For further details contact Christian Frank-Schultz, Tel 081 3543619,
Dorsland FA will hold its year end function on December 3 at 19:00 in the club hall at Saambou. This will be a dinner and dance and entry fees will be announced at a later stage. For further details contact Ellie Lottering, Tel 081 2924917,
Steinhausen FA is holding its Annual General Meeting on December 10 at 15:00 in the FA hall at Farm Steinhausen. For further details contact Mayke Rumpf, Tel 062 561422,
Gamsberg FA is holding its year end function which will be a Hippie party. This party will be held on November 19 at 19:00 at the FA hall and the best “Hippie Dress” will get a prize. Hippie children are also welcome and registration is N$100 for adults and N$50 for children under 12 years. Please reply not later than November 11 to Mrs Adele Cranz, Tel 081 2739525,
Sonop FA is holding a meeting on November 19 at 09:00 at the FA hall on farm Frauenhofen. Guest speaker is Mr Fonk Genis who will talk about rangelands methods. The day will be concluded with farmers sport and a spitbraai. For further details contact Cheryll Pienaar, Tel 062 563189,
NAPHA (Namibia Professional Hunting Association) will hold their Annual General Meeting on November 22 &23 at the Heja Game Lodge outside Windhoek The meeting starts on November 22 at 08:30 until 10:00 (thereafter is a closed session) and on November 23 from 08:00 to 13:00. The gala dinner is held on November 22 at 18:30 for 19:00. For further details contact Marsofine Kynauw, Tel 061 234455,
Uhlenhorst FA is holding a meeting on November 26 at 15:00 at the FA hall. Guest speaker is Mr Appie van Niekerk who will talk about electric fencing on farms. A new management will be elected. For further details contact Mr Willie, Krügel, Tel 063 265311, 081 2492509,
The 2012 Meatco Inter Farmers Association braai competition will be held on March 31, 2012 at the Keetmanshoop Show Grounds. The theme is “//karas” (which means Kokerboom). Exhibitors can book their exhibition space now already. Entries for the braai teams close on February 15, 2011. Further details for the booking of stands can be obtained from ANTOINETTE OOSTHUYSEN, Tel 063 683433, To enter braai teams – FA and social, contact BRENDA KOTZE, Tel 063 281208, and any other information can be obtained from WILLEM STEENKAMP, Tel 063 280655,

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