
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Namibia Agriculture Union Weekly Newsletter

WEEKLY NEWS – 16 March 2012
In today’s newsletter –
·         First meat production school big success
·         New Forestry Council inaugurated
·         No movement permits without Namlits-registration
·         FA and other news

First meat production school big success
The first meat production school which was hosted this week in Windhoek by the Namibia Stud Breeders Association with the assistance of numerous sponsors was generally seen as a big success by the attendants. The school was officially opened by the Minister of Agriculture, Water & Forestry, Mr John Mutorwa on Tuesday evening. In his opening speech MrMutorwa again emphasized the importance of meat production in Namibia as the backbone of the agricultural sector. He also announced certain strategic cabinet decisions which were taken late last year and which will influence the future of the meat industry.

The lectures at the meat production school covered a wide spectrum which inter alia included the problem of bush encroachment which influences meat production negatively to the influence of genetic material on the farmer’s financial situation. Speakers inter alia included Prof FrikkieNeser who looked at the impact of the stud industry to optimize meat production, the influence of market requirements by DrHennie Dreyer, the economy of the different finishing off practices by Walter Roodt and the influence of performance testing of genetic progress by Dr Michael Bradfield.

Practical sessions were also held during which slaughtering oxen and slaughtering lambs on the hoof and on the hook were judged and a demonstration of ultrasonic scanning was done by MrPetrus Maritz. Mr Maritz is the only person in Southern Africa who is accredited to do such a test.

New Forestry Council inaugurated
The Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Mr John Mutorwa this week inaugurated the new Forestry Council in terms of the Forestry Act. The chairperson of the Council is Mr Willem Groenewald who was nominated by the NAU onto the Council.

The aim of the Council is to inter alia enable Government to manage the available resources sustainable, to advise Government how to manage the illegal cutting of trees, to look at the Flora and Fauna of the country and much more.

No movement permits without Namlits-registration
As from April 1, 2012 the Department of Veterinary Services will not allocate any movement permits to producers who have not registered their animals on the NamLITS database. Producers will also not get more permits than the amount of animals which they have registered on the NamLITS database. Even though this is already an existing regulation, Dr Baby Kaurivi of Veterinary Services said that it will be strictly applied as from April 1, 2012.

Producers are reminded to verify their records on the NamLITS database after registration to ensure that their information appears correctly on the system. Producers can verify whether the information on NamLITS is correct by –

1.    Sign in on the NamLITS website and check whether the information about your animals and other relevant information is correct
2.    Phone ZandrieNortje at the NamLITS Office (061 275851) or visit the NamLITS Office at the Meat Board in Windhoek. You can also send any enquiries to

If producers have ensured that they have followed the registration process correctly and still experience problems, they are requested to make a note of this and sent a duplicate thereof to their nearest Meatco office and NamLITS.
Request by Polytechnic of Namibia
The Polytechnic of Namibia prides itself with career orientated training programmes and training in Advanced Agribusiness Management is no different. The course is about applying standard agribusiness management tools to analytical decision making in an agricultural setting. Students should be able to analyze the performance of agribusiness enterprises and also prepare whole-firm budgets.
Till last year these students visited emerging commercial farmers to obtain practical financial figures in order to draft the relevant financial statements.  In the process the students interview a farmer, do their own value estimations for the balance sheets, draft an income and expenditure statement, as well as a cash-flow statement.   This year they endeavour to visit commercial farmers as part of this exercise.
The idea is to escape from the theoretical calculations in prescribed books and class notes in order to get an on-farm experience.  The drafted statements are presented as projects and the idea is to share this with the participating farmers.
The lecturer, Richard T. Kamukuenjandje, is requesting therefore commercial farmers who are interested and/or willing to assist in this exercise, to contact him.  Assistance in this regard would be highly appreciated. You can contact Mr Kamukuenjandje at Tel 061 207 2463, 081 2011307, Fax 061 207 2196,
2012 Meatco Inter Farmers Association braai competition
The 2012 Meatco Inter Farmers Association braai competition will be held on March 31, 2012 at the Keetmanshoop Show Grounds. The theme is “//karas” (which means Kokerboom). Exhibitors can book their exhibition space now already. Exhibition space can be booked with Antoinette Oosthuysen, Tel 063 683433, To enter braai teams – FA and social, contact Brenda Kotze, Tel 063 281208, and any other information can be obtained from Willem Steenkamp, Tel 063 280655, Entries for the FA and social teams close on February 29, 2012 (the previous closing date was February 15 but it has been changed to February 29). Entry forms and rules as well as the program can be obtained on the NAU website under the following links:
Forms and rules:
Charcoal producers will hold information / trainings day
Charcoal producers will hold a charcoal information / trainings day on March 24 at 08:00 at the Grootfontein Rugby Club. All charcoal producers who will attend are requested to bring along their charcoal foremen. Matters which will be discussed are inter alia the prevention of veldfires caused by charcoal burning, fire insurance, etc. For further details and to register, please contact Mr Willem Enslin, Tel 081 2305078.

FA and other news
Grootfontein FA is holding an agronomic sightseeing day on March 17 at 09:30 for 10:00. This day starts with a cup of coffee on Farm Johannestal of Mr Eckart Hoffmann (where the planted sorghum will be viewed). Thereafter to Farm Venus of Mr Klaas Malan, where there will be a light lunch. Thereafter they will go to Farm Ossa of Mr WimLubbe, Farm Ludendorf of Mr KasparGünzel and Farm Highlands of Mr LousSteyn. The day will be concluded with a braai on Farm Highlands. For further details contact Mr Klaas Malan, Tel 081 1240463 or Louis Steyn, Tel 081 1273624.

Summerdown FA will hold Braunvieh farmers days on March at 08:30 at Farm Keizen 1061, 20km south of Summerdown. There will be a lot of surprises. For further details contact Henriette le Grange, or click on the following link:
The annual Mariental RAU motivation day will be held on March 22 at 08:00 at Lapa Lange near Mariental. The program starts at 08:00 and will be concluded with a Steak braai in the evening. Speakers are Mr Ernst Janovsky from ABSA SA, Mr Hein Wagner a blind person from SA and the president of the NAU, Mr Ryno van der Merwe. Admission is N$100 per person which includes meals. Further details from Mr HannesVisagie, Tel 063 275342,  or Marina le Roux, Tel 063 252015,

The Scientific Societyisoffering a lecture by Dr Roy Millerwith the theme Multidisciplinaryevidence shows that the Sun and Water and not CO² have been and will continue to be the main drivers of the past, present and future climates“. This lecture will be held on March 22 at 17:30 for 17:45 at the Auditorium of the Geologica Institute of Namibia, Aviation Rd (opposite the Safari Hotel). Further details from Tanya Förtsch from the Scientific Society Tel 061 225372,

Kaiserstreet FA is holding its Annual General Meeting on March 24 at 10:00 at Farm Autabib of Mr GysJoubert near Dordabis. Guest speakers are Messrs Christo du Plessis, GysJoubert, Willie Grobler and GertNiehaus. A woman’s program will be held at 14:00 during which Adele Oosthuizen will give a motivational talk about “Farm woman with a song in her heart” and also demonstrates basic make up techniques. Registration for the AGM is N$100 per person and please register before March 17 with Gerda van der Westhuizen, Tel 061 253016,

Otjiwarongo FA is holding its AGM on March 27 at 08:30 at the Hadassa guesthouse, Otjiwarongo. For further details contact Callie Steenkamp at 081 3326292,

Epukiro FA is holding a meeting on March 28 at 16:00 at Farm Hekel. For further details contact JurgensNel, Tel 062 568686 or Cora Jacobs, Tel 062 568756.
Maltahöhe FA is holding a meeting on March 28 at 10:00 at Farm Breeckhorn-Ost of Mr & Mrs Klasie Dreyer. Guest speakers are Mr Mike Baartman of Investmed, Johan Wentzel and Johan Louw of Wilde Eend Nursery and Nicolai Heger of Tandelta. Please RSVP with and for further details contact Drien Dreyer, Tel 063 293111,

A Mega Feedmasterfarmers day 2012 will be held on April 12 at 08:30 at the Agra/Bank Windhoek Ring, Windhoek Show Grounds. Speakers are Dr JoggieBriedenhann, Prof Eddie Webb and David Cock. Admission is free of charge but meals must be paid. For further details and RSVP (before April 9) please contact Hella Coetzee, Tel 081 2036484,

Karasberge FA is holding a meeting on April 19 at 14:00. For further details contact Christine Smith, Tel 063 280847.
The Limousin Breeders Association of Namibia is offering a two day judging course on April 23 & 24, 2012 on farm Omateva of Mr SiggiWilckens with Messrs Willie Grobler and BarendDorfling as examiners. Registration fee is N$500 per person and enquiries can be addressed to Ellie Lottering at 081 292 4917 or email  Come and get to know this breed!!!

Hoërand FA is hosting a 4x4 vasbyt on May 5 at 07:00 at Farm Graal of Mr Willie Truter in the Maltahöhe district. Registration starts at 07:00 and the vasbyt starts at 08:00. Admission is N$30 per vehicle and N$100 per entry for the vasbyt. This year four wheel squad bikes can also participate and only ladies and children are welcome. Registration for the squad bikes is N$50. The day is concluded with a dance and dinner and the costs are N$80 for adults and children up to 12 years and children younger than 12 years pay N$30. Camping space is available and Mr Willie Truter can be contacted in this regard at 081 1242993. Tenders for stands are already open and can be booked at BartieBurger, Tel 063 683360 or 081 2842744. 

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