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Sakkie Coetzee: Manager NAU |
WEEKLY NEWS – 13 April 2012
In today’s newsletter –
· SSC (Social Security Commission) adjusts the benefit of the MSD Fund
· FA and other news
SSC (Social Security Commission) adjusts the benefit of the MSD Fund – as from March 14, 2012
The SSC has made upward adjustments with regard to the following benefits:
1. Maternity Leave:
Maternityleavebenefitsshallbeequalto100percentofthebasicwageof the female employee concerned, up to an amount (ceiling) of N$ 10 500 per month.
2. Sick Leave:
Sickleavebenefitsshallbeequalto75percentofthebasicwageofthe employeeconcerned,uptoanamount (ceiling)ofN$ 7875 (75% of N$ 10 500)permonth,forthefirstperiodoftwelve monthsofsickleaveandthereafterbereducedto65percentofsuchbasicwage,uptoan amount (ceiling) of N$ 6 825 (65% of N$ 10 500) per month.
3. Death Benefit:
The death benefitshall amount to a single payment of N$ 5 515.
Aroab FA would like to congratulate Stampriet FA, the 2012 Meatco National Braai Champions. They also would like to thank the other Farmers Associations and social teams which took part. A hearty thank you to all the sponsors as well as each FA member who helped to make this such a big success.
Clinics in the Karas region
The Ministry of Health and Social Services announced that a national measles, oral Polio, Vitamin A Supplementary and Deworming campaign will be held from 5 – 7 June (first round) and from 10 – 12 July (second round) in the Karas region. For any further enquiries contact MrMukuveKavetu at kavetomukuve@yahoo.co.uk.
Agra in cooperation with Executive Equest again offers the annual Western Horsemanship clinic. This will take place from May 2 – 4 at Out of Nature in Windhoek. The 3-day program promises to teach and demonstrate participants the popular California Vaquero horsemanship style. Only a limited number of seats are available and please take note of the following:
- 40 seats for the morning session at N$1 500 per person
- 25 seats for the afternoon session at N$1 500 per person
- N$3 000 per person for the full day
Iain Davis from the Oklahoma Ranch Roping Association will be personally involved with the sessions. For registration or more information, please contact Rian du Toit, Tel 081 4615578, eequest@gmail.com.
SWAKARA courses
The following SWAKARA SNOK courses will be held at Farm Barby of Mr L Campbell in the Helmeringhausen vicinity on 17 & 18 April: 17 April (from 08:00 – 16:00): lamb description, photo judging and breeding and ram selection, electric shearing demonstration. For the employees: stunner, disposing of lambs, slaughtering and splinting of pelts and electric shearing demonstration. On April 18 (from 08:00 – 16:00): estate and testament, pelts analyses statement and theory of pelts sorting, pelts sorting, Herd Master (breeders) norms/policy. The courses are only for current pelts producers and no accommodation is available. For more details and to register contact Leslie Campbell, 081 6271599 or Penny Schutte, 081 6868200. The next SWAKARA courses are held from May 22 – 24 at Farm Swartkop, Karasburg vicinity. More details about these courses will be given in due course.
FA and other news
Otavi FA is holding a farmers day on April 17 at 08:30 at Farm Odussa of Mr and Mrs David Botha. The theme is “bush control” and at 14:00 a farm visit will be done. Speakers are Mr Johan van Eck, a rangeland expert, MrFransHolzkampf, chairman of the Charcoal Producers Association and Mr Willem Diemer. NAU members do not have to pay entrance fees and non-members will have to pay N$50 entrance fees. Please register before April 15 with Christine Stoman, Tel 067 304971, 081 2446034, stoman@mweb.com.na.
Karasberge FA is holding a meeting on April 19 at 14:00. For further details contact Christine Smith, Tel 063 280847.
Dordabis FA is holding a meeting on April 19 at 13:00 at the FA hall. Speaker is Mr G Niehaus, a member of Dordabis FA. For further details contact Mrs C Romeis, Tel 061 231230, cwromeis@iway.na.
The Agronomic Producers Association (APA) will hold their member meeting and Master Agronomist Day on April 19 at 08:30 at the Farmers Association hall, Summerdown. The Master Agronomist Day starts at 12:00 and from 16:00 – 18:00 a field visit will be done. Speakers at the Master Agronomist Day are MessrsKobus van Graan, Dr Andre Nel, JacoVermeulen and Jasper Blaauw. The day will be concluded with a braai. For further details contact MrsAnnatjie du Preez, Tel 061 237838, annatjie@agrinamibia.com.na.
Osire-Waterberg FA is holding a slaughtering cattle competition on April 25 at 08:15 at Farm Ondekaremba-Nord of FamWilckens. At 13:00 a braai will be held and at 14:00 the cattle will be sent to Meatco, Okahandja. A farm sightseeing will be done at 14:30. On April 26 the carcass judging will be done at the Meatco abattoir, Okahandja. For further details contact Mrs Dagmar Wilckens, Tel 081 2807829, wilckens@iway.na.
The farmers day of the Young Farmer of the Year 2011 will be held on May 2 at 08:20 at Farm Aruab No 23 in the Helmeringhausen vicinity (43km NW from Helmeringhausen and not suited for Sedan vehicles – takes about 1 ½ hours to drive). Speakers are MessrsRyno van der Merwe, Dave Pepler, Dr Roy Miller, Helmut Stehn and the Young Farmer 2011 himself, MrTimmMiller, Costs are N$100 for adults and N$50 for children from 6 – 16 years. Meals are included in the entrance fee. Please register before April 20 with Timm Miller, Tel 081 2079974, miller@mtcmobile.com.na, Christian Frank-Schultz (for accommodation) Tel 081 3543619, duwisib@iway.na or André Coetzee, Tel 081 1287101, andrecoetzee@mtcmobile.com.na.A big thank you to all the sponsors, namely Karakul Board of Namibia, Standard Bank, Mutual & Federal, Namco, Agra, FNB, Virbac, Feedmaster, Hollard, Meatco, HPS Engineering, Bank Windhoek and KaapAgri.
Otjikondo FA again is hosting the annual FNB Outjo Game Festival on May 4 & 5 at Farm Sophienhof, 10km outside Windhoek on the Khorixas road. Artists which will perform are Snotkop, Heinz Winkler and Charlize Berg, Camel- and horse riding is offered as well as a Rodeo, shooting competition and much more. Entrance fees are on Friday N$80 for adults and N$30 for primary school children and on Saturday N$100 for adults and N$50 for primary school children. Further details from André Lombard, 081 1282811, Paul Stommel, 081 3279596 of FanieHeimstädt, 081 2053909.
Hoërand FA is hosting a 4x4 vasbyt on May 5 at 07:00 at Farm Graal of Mr Willie Truter in the Maltahöhe district. Registration starts at 07:00 and the vasbyt starts at 08:00. Admission is N$30 per vehicle and N$100 per entry for the vasbyt. This year four wheel squad bikes can also participate and only ladies and children are welcome. Registration for the squad bikes is N$50. The day is concluded with a dance and dinner and the costs are N$80 for adults and children up to 12 years and children younger than 12 years pay N$30. Camping space is available and Mr Willie Truter can be contacted in this regard at 081 1242993. Tenders for stands are already open and can be booked at BartieBurger, Tel 063 683360 or 081 2842744.
The Namibia Brahman Breeders Association is offering the following trainings and information days: an orientation course on May 9 & 10 at Farm Lichtenstein-West of FamRusch near Windhoek. An advanced course on June 19 & 20 at Farm Strydfontein of Jorg and SteffieSchloder near Grootfontein. The courses are offered by experts and further details can be obtained from MrsHeilwig Andrea-Voigts, Tel 061 240573, brahman@iway.na.
The runner up of the Young Farmer 2011 competition, Mr Willem Groenewald, is hosting his farmer’s day on May 10 at 08:30 at Farm Pierre of Mr Willem Groenewald (70km from Outjo on the OutjoOtavi gravel road). At 14:00 Mr Groenewald will talk about de-bushing practices and theory, at 15:00 a farm sightseeing will be done and at 17:00 the power station on the farm will be visited. Please register by phoning or sending a sms to NicoleneGroenewald, Tel 081 081 1284114.
The women of Hochfeld FA have arranged a cake decorating workshop, to be held on 26, 27 and 28 June 2012 at Hochfeld Lodge. The course is presented by Capetonian cake decorator, Mrs Anne Tangney. FOUR different courses are now being presented, namely “formal cake decorating”, “basic piping (butter cream) and moulding”, as well as “royal icing and moulding” andthe newest, exciting addition of the “Chocolate Plastique” (chocolatefondant)course. Each course will be repeated on different days, at different timeslots. Participants may choose which courses they would like to attend, and need not attend all three courses. Classes are limited to 10 participants per class. There are still seats available in each class. To register and obtain more details, please contact Bianca Marggraff, Tel 062 504211, 081 3007584, bianca.marggraff@mtcmobile.com.na. Closing date for all registrations and deposits is Thursday,10 May 2012.
The Limousin Breeders Association of Namibia is offering a two day judging course on September 4 & 5, 2012 on farm Omateva of Mr SiggiWilckens with Messrs Willie Grobler and BarendDorfling as examiners. THE COURSE ORIGINALLY WAS SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 24 & 25, BUT DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES HAD TO BE POSTPONED TO SEPTEMBER. Registration fee is N$500 per person and enquiries can be addressed to Ellie Lottering at 081 292 4917 or email franseli@iway.na. Come and get to know this breed!!!
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