
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Okavango Fishing Break: April/May 2012 Long week-end

The long week-end at the end of April opened up an opportunity for a welcome, well deserved break  and a time to relax, rest and reflect...!!!
Fishing (catch and release) in the Okavango river, the border between Namibia and Angola, is one of the most tranquil and rewarding experiences for a sport fisherman. The river subsided considerably by the end of the rainy season with very pleasant weather. Excellent conditions for fishing and wildlife (hippo's, crocodile's, birds etc) observation. 
I caught and released more than 50 Nembwe (briem) and other briem species along with countless amounts of smaller ("malkop") and bigger (3-6kg) Tiger fish. Most of the time was spend drifting live and dead bait for tiger fish. 
 Impression: The strike of a large (even small) tiger fish must be among the best in fishing

Video (wmv, 20mb) Available at:

Okavango Nembwe 
(Serranochromis robustus jallae)
with its signature orange  band on the  dorsal and tail fins

"pienk Happy" (tilapia)
Longface (kromkop Kurper) Briem (Serranochromes angusticepas)
Tiger Fish (Hydrocynus vittatus)

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