
Friday, June 29, 2012

Namibia Agriculture Union Weekly Newsletter
WEEKLY NEWS – 29 June 2012
Sakkie Coetzee: Manager NAU
In today’s newsletter –
·         National Land Reform Forum officially established
·         Meatco ownership
·         FA and other news

National Land Reform Forum officially established
A proposal of the technical committee on land reform a few years ago realised on June 26, 2012 when the Minister of Lands and Resettlement, Mr Alpheus !Naruseb officially established the National Land Reform Forum. During his speech Minister !Naruseb encouraged members of the Forum to contribute towards a workable and sustainable land reform process in Namibia. According to him Namibia is ahead of many African countries with regard to land reform but a lot can be done to speed up the process and to use the land which has been re-distributed, productively.
The National Land Reform Forum consists of representatives from various Ministries, the different agricultural unions, statutory boards, the private sector, the academics, non-governmental organisations and development partners such as the EU, UNDP and the GIZ. The aims of this National Forum are to create a platform for all interested parties to debate all the different challenges around land reform. Even though the Forum is a non-statutory body, the Minister said that the Ministry has to take note of the expectations and views about land reform of especially the non-government organisations. If consensus can be reached about certain matters, it can be presented to the statutory Land Reform Advisory Commission (LRAC) for consideration and advice to the Minister. 
According to the Director of Land Reform of the Ministry of Lands, Mr Knox Imbuwa, the Forum should also remove certain uncertainties, create specific aims which are acceptable for all role players and also address practical matters. These practical matters can include factors which influence farm prices, proper evaluation of existing infrastructure on farms which are offered for land reform purposes as well as mechanisms for the determination of compensation in cases of expropriation.
The Forum decided to hold its first formal meeting in August 2012 during which a chairperson and vice chairperson will be elected.
Meatco ownership
At a press conference on June 28, 2012 the Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Mr John Mutorwa announced the final decisions which Cabinet had taken at the beginning of June this year with regard to the Meatco ownership. Meatco’s future ownership will be vested in a body such as a cooperative with a 70% shareholding of the meat producers and a 30% share for Government. The cooperative will pay bonuses to its members according to the amount of animals delivered in order to increase throughput. Cabinet also decided to establish a private company, Namibia Meat Company Limited, in order to add value to meat and meat products. The Minister of Agriculture in cooperation with all role players will have to look at new legislation soon to bring about the cooperative and the private company and to submit it for finalisation to Parliament.
Election Commission is doing a survey
The Election Commission announced that they are doing a countrywide survey from May 21 to July 7, 2012 in all regions of Namibia. The aim of the survey is to determine whether the public understands the election and democratic process and how effective the Election Commission is with their programs and projects. The survey will be done by 4th year students of the Polytechnic as well as staff of the Election Commission and they will wear Election Commission T-shirts and caps and they also have identification documents. For any enquiries or complaints, please contact the Project Manager at Polytechnic, Ms Johanna Nashandi at Tel 061 2072243/2099, 081 1279043 or Ms Marily Katjitundu from the Election Commission at Tel 061 376232, 081 2794039.
Clinics in Omaheke region
The Ministry of Health in the Omaheke region has announced that the second round Polio vaccinations will be held from July 10 – 12. All children between the age of 0 – 59 months must be vaccinated. Any enquiries can be addressed to Ms Kaune or Ms Kanguvi at Tel 062 577000, Fax 062 563489.
Small stock course
The following small stock course is offered:
Boer goats: 30 July – information day at NLA, Mariental. 31 July – 1 August – Jnr and Snr course at Mariental.
For further information and registration contact Carina Vermeulen at Tel 061 252994 (only mornings) or send a mail to

FA and other news
The Namibia Hunting Gun Shooting Association in cooperation with the Grunau FA is hosting a hunting gun shooting competition on June 30 as from 07:00 at the FA hall, Grunau. Entrance fee is N$200 per person which includes coffee, lunch and a hat. The costs for the evening’s prize giving, dance and spitbraai is N$50 per person and children under the age of 12 years are free of charge. Further information and entry forms can be obtained from Johan Wessels, Tel 081 1284703, Information about accommodation can be obtained from Louis Potgieter, Tel 063 266020 or Dolf de Wet, Tel 063 262061. For more information about this sport, visit the website at

The Santa Gertrudis Breeders Association of Namibia is offering a two-day judging course on 4 & 5 July on the farms of Mr Andre Boehmcker and Mr Immo Wilckens. The course will be offered by Mr Martin Seyfferd. Registration is N$800 per person. Only limited amount participants can take part. For any further enquiries contact Maxie Boehmcker, Tel 081 2688939, Santa Gertrudis are ideal for crossbreeding. Light calves at birth and fast growth.

Dordabis FA is holding a meeting on July 5 at 13:00 at the FA hall. Guest speakers are Mr von Ditfurth, a member of Dordabis FA and Mr Dirk Heinricht who will talk about the vulture research project. For further details contact Mrs Christine Romeis, Tel 061 231230,

Aroab FA is hosting a horse endurance ride on July 5 and a farmer sports day on July 6. Further details from Ernst Blaauw, Tel 063 280639.

Epukiro FA is holding a meeting on July 11 at 14:00 at Farm Tokat of Nico en Marthie Steenkamp. A lecture about maize production on the farm will be held and a sightseeing tour will be done. The day will be concluded with a braai. Please RSVP on or before July 7 at Marthie, Tel 062 568207, or Cora, Tel 081 3010286,

Karibib FA is holding a meeting on July 14 at 16:00 at Farm Abbabis. For further details contact Mrs D Gladis, Tel 061 248480,

Witvlei FA is holding a big loose goods auction on Wednesday, July 18 at 10:00 at the farmer house at Witvlei. Members of the adjacent Farmers Associations are invited as guest sellers to sell their auction items. The income of these sales are for their own pocket. Goods which are so far offered to be auctioned vary between lorries to cutlery. Refreshments and lunch will be offered for sale. Interested parties can contact Monica at 081 2790301,

The Scientific Society of Namibia will hold a lecture about “Digging Deeper: from modern exploration to sustainable groundwater management in Northern Namibia”. This follows after airborne geophysical measurements indicated the existence of a deep seated fresh water aquifer underneath the currently used groundwater bodies in northern Namibia. The lecture is presented by Mr Martin Quinger, project manager of DWA/BGR (Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe) on July 18 at 19:00 at the Namibia Scientific Society, 110 Robert Mugabe Ave, Windhoek. For further details contact Waltraud Fritzsche, Tel 061 225372,
Grootfontein Agri College is hosting a lecture under the theme „The secrets of a master detective“. This lecture will be held  by former brigadier Piet Byleveld who was a member of the SA Police force for 38 years. Mr Byleveld is seen as one of the best detectives of our time and also got a special reward as one of the world’s three best detectives. The lecture will be held on August 2 at 19:00 at the Grootfontein Show hall and the costs are N$150 per person which includes the dinner. For enquiries and to register please contact Zea Coetzee, Tel 081 1487720 or Gerhard Engelbrecht, Tel 081 1270025.

Summerdown FA is holding a John Deere day and judging of slaughtering oxen on the hoove on August 8. For further details contact Henriette le Grange, Tel 081 1249670,

Klein Nossob FA is hosting its annual farmers‘ day on August 9 & 10. All farmers in the vicinity and interested parties are invited to this day and farmers can exhibit their animals (large stock, small stock, horses, etc). This is not only for registered breeders but for everybody who has a passion for his/her breed. Further details and entry forms are available from Jerrie Kotze, Tel 081 3012215, or Danie Visser, Tel 081 2769152,

The GTO (Grootfontein, Tsumeb, Otavi) RAU is hosting a grazing day on August 14 at 07:30 at the Kalkfontein Lodge. The day will be hosted by Riaan Dames and at 12:40 a farm sightseeing will be held at Farm Gaikos. Costs are N$50 for NAU members and N$100 for non-members. Please register before July 14 with Mr Willem Enslin, Tel 081 2305078.

The annual Stampriet Show will be held from September 5 – 7 at Stampriet and there will be again Dorpers, Goats, Kalahari Reds, Damaras, van Rooy’s and black head Persies on show. There will also be a weaner, cattle, bull, Dorper Top ram and interrace ram auction. Further details will be given nearer to the time or can be obtained from Mr Izak Meyer, Tel 0-63 260230, 081 2121177, To book a stand, please contact Dina Kotze at Tel 9\063 260169, 081 3907044,
Summerdown FA is hosting a loose goods fund raising auction on September 15. Farmers who would like to enter their goods, must please contact Henriette le Grange at Tel 081 1249670, 

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