
Monday, June 11, 2012

Small Scale Drip Irrigation Demo: Omaruru Extension Office

Staff members (Mrs. Christiaan,Saarti and Mr. Auchamub) from the Omaruru Agriculture Extension office harvested fresh naturally produced vegetables from the small drip irrigation garden at the office during May.

The short video (6MB, wmv) is available online at: 

Above: Mr. Ludwig Auchamub planting seeds
                                           Above: Mrs. Christiaan with a healthy beetroot 
Above: Mrs. Christiaan, Saarti and Mr. Auchamub harvesting beetroot

1 comment:

  1. Hello, my name is Bart Spruijt and I work for Agrinas Foundation, based in the Netherlands. A friend of mine is leading a social project among the poor in Rehoboth, Namibia and they now want to start some agricultural activities. He has asked me for help. Searching the internet I came across your site and wonder if you would be open to share some of your experience if I would come and visit you. Perhaps there is even another extension centre or individual farmers nearer to Rehoboth who could offer some help. From what I have heard, there is a limited water supply and obviously drip irrigation would be the most suitable solution. I would appreciate if you could let me know your response. Best regards, Bart Spruijt, Agrinas Foundation, Rotholm 20, 8321 DK Urk, the Netherlands, E-mail:, web:
