
Thursday, August 16, 2012

16th Namibia Rangeland Forum 11-13 September 2012

Final Notice of the 16th Namibia Rangeland Forum
11-13 September 2012
Arebbusch Lodge, Windhoek

Agra Professional Services have been mandated to organise the 16th Namibia Rangeland Forum from 11-13 September 2012 in Windhoek at the Arebbusch Lodge in Windhoek.  This year the theme of the Forum will be:
Bush Encroachment – an ASSET or LIABILITY”?
Considerable effort has gone into the development of the National Rangeland Management Policy and Strategy.  The challenge is now for the farmers to implement this strategy in a comprehensive and well-planned manner.  The first part of NRF16 will thus be dedicated to solicit inputs from participants on how this strategy should be implemented and what the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders could be.
There is currently a huge interest in combating bush encroachment and bush utilisation in Namibia.  Many companies, farmers and government stakeholders are getting involved in combatting bush encroachment using different methods and also having different objectives in mind.  It will therefore be useful and appropriate to put the whole topic of bush encroachment under the spotlight to find out who is doing what and to come to some sort of consensus towards sustainable bush control for the future.
Three sub-themes are suggested namely:

1.      Physiological, Socio Economic and Ecological Aspects of Bush and Bush Control
2.      Bush Control and Utilisation Methodologies and Practices
3.      Sustainable Bush and Rangeland Management

The last day of NRF16 will be a field visit to the farm Düsternbrook outside Windhoek to look at the effect of controlled fire on bush encroachment and rangeland rehabilitation. 

Registration will take place at the Arebbusch Lodge from Monday afternoon 16:00.  A registration fee of N$300 per person applies and provides for attendance of the Forum for 3 full days and includes two lunches, two dinners, all tea, coffee and refreshments during the day as well as a visit to Farm Düsternbrook with tea/coffee/refreshments and a lunch on the third day.  This registration fee also provides for an information file with the programme and abstracts of all papers to be presented.  Professionally done proceedings of the Forum will also be made available to you as part of the registration fee.  Note that accommodation in Windhoek during the Forum is your own responsibility!!!

Notification of Attendance
The Forum can host a maximum of 150 participants.  Since this event is extremely popular, you are urged to book your attendance with Marieta Grobler at +264 81 124 8701, Fax: +264 61 290 9354 or e-mail well in advance.

We are looking forward to welcome you at this year’s Namibia Rangeland Forum and believe that your contribution will add significant value to our discussions.
Yours sincerely,

Bertus Kruger
Convenor of Organising Committee
Agra Professional Services.

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