
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Namibia Agriculture Union: WEEKLY NEWS – 24 August 2012


 In today’s newsletter –
·       Development Dialogue Forum
·         EPA:  Where are we now?
·         Agra news
·         Pig producers will hold member meeting and information day
·         FA and other news

Development Dialogue Forum
The Fourth Development Dialogue Forum of the Polytechnic of Namibia took place on 22 August 2012 with the theme “TOWARDS A FOOD SECURE NATION – within the context of National Development Plan (NDP) 4”.  The Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU) Executive Manager, Sakkie Coetzee, and the Manager:  Research and Development, Wallie Roux, attended the Forum.
The keynote address was delivered by the Honourable Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry (MAWF), Mr John Mutorwa.  Other speakers included Mr Joseph Iita, the Permanent Secretary of MAWF, Mr OjijoOdhiambo from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Mr Lungameni Lukas from the Agronomic Board, Mr Jürgen Hoffmann from the Agricultural Trade Forum (ATF), and Dr KatjiuaMutjinde from the Polytechnic of Namibia.
The Minister emphasized the importance of food security and his Ministry’s mandate to achieve it within the context of NDP 4.  In order to increase agricultural production and to achieve an average real growth of 4%, priority focus will be given to the Green Scheme, the increase of carrying capacity for livestock, the establishment of fresh produce markets and the establishment of other agricultural infrastructure like silos and research stations.
In this regard he mentioned that the total Green Scheme production area is around 9 400 hectares and the target is to increase this to 27 000 hectares.  He also mentioned that Namibia’s current grain production is 165 800 metric tonnes produced on a total of 311 000 hectares, which leaves an annual shortfall of 125 000 metric tonnes.  The Government also aims to eventually store four months of emergency grain reserves, which amounts to 60 000 metric tonnes. 
The Permanent Secretary explained the various support programmes already in place to achieve food security.  Other topics covered were the food security situation in Sub-Saharan Africa, the improvement of local agricultural productivity, the role of cross-border trade and the effects of communal land tenure and climate change on the achievement of food security.

EPA:  Where are we now?
The most important issue currently facing the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) negotiations is the European Commission (EC) proposal to amend Market Access Regulation (MAR) 1528/2007.  According to the proposal, African Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries currently enjoying Duty Free Quota Free (DFQF) access to European markets will have to ratify the EPA by the end of 2013.  Failure to ratify the agreement by the due date will result in such countries being removed from the MAR 1528/2007 beneficiary list as from 01 January 2014, hence forfeiting their DFQF market access.
On 21 June 2012 the International Trade Committee (INTA) of the European Parliament (EP) voted in favour of a proposal to extend the MAR 1528/2007 deadline from 01 January 2014 to 01 January 2016.  However, the European legislative power resides with the EP and the Council of Ministers (the Member States).  On 12 September 2012 the EP will discuss the INTA vote during its plenary session for endorsement.  Then again, there is always the possibility that the EP plenary would not endorse the INTA vote, given that so far no single European Member State has spoken against the original EC proposal.
After the EP plenary vote on the proposal to extend the deadline, the debate will move to the Council.  Should the EP and the Council not agree on the proposal, a compromise will be negotiated.  Hence, despite the INTA vote it remains far from clear what the final outcome will be.
Agra news
The Registrar of Stock Feed in Namibia informed Agra on August 6, 2012 that the Directorate of Veterinary Services found that SHEEP-AFROND and STOETVEEKORRELS (breeding stock pellets) from VEEKOS grow stimulants and / or therapeutic substances contain.

The Registrar of Stock Feed instructed that both these products may not be sold to producers anymore and be removed from the market with immediate effect. These instructions are applicable on all stock feed traders countrywide.

Furthermore the Registrar put a total embargo on the import of all VEEKOS products from South Africa until their investigations in this regard have been concluded. Thus no VEEKOS products are allowed to come into the country until further notice.

The use of grow stimulants and / or therapeutic substances in stock feed is prohibited under Act No 36 which controls the import, manufacturing and distribution of stock feed products. The use of grow stimulants and / or therapeutic substances is also prohibited in accordance with the international trade agreements which were signed by Namibia. The instructions from the Registrar are thus necessary to protect the local meat industry.

It is for Agra of utmost importance to act at all times in the interest of the country and more specifically in the interest of the agricultural industry and to adhere to the instructions of the Registrar. Agra acted on these instructions with immediate effect and all Agra branches placed orders with other suppliers in order to provide the industry with similar alternative products. At this stage there are no indications when Agra can restore VEEKOS product stock levels.

Due to this unforeseen and sensitive matter Agra thus would like to friendly but urgently request their valued customers to contact their nearest Agra branch with regard to their feed- and lick supply in order to adapt their farming management program.

Pig producers will hold member meeting and information day
Pig producers are requested to diarise the following date when feedback about the latest developments in the pork industry are given: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at the NAU board room, Windhoek. A detailed program on which the keynote speaker will be announced.will follow soon.
16th Namibia Rangeland Forum
Agra Professional Services is organising the 16th Namibia Rangeland Forum from 11-13 September 2012 at the Arebbusch Lodge in Windhoek.  The theme of this year’s forum is: Bush Encroachment – an ASSET or LIABILITY”?  Presentations and discussions will be focusing on the following three topics: 1) Physiological, Socio Economic and Ecological Aspects of Bush and Bush Control; 2) Bush Control and Utilisation Methodologies and Practices; and 3) Sustainable Bush and Rangeland Management.  The third day of NRF16 will be a field visit to the farm Düstenbrook outside Windhoek to look at the effect of controlled fire on bush encroachment and rangeland rehabilitation. Speakers are the Forum is inter alia Honourable Minister John Mutorwa of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Forestry, Mr Ryno van der Merwe, president of the NAU, Dr Axel Rothauge, Mr Dave Joubert, Mr Nico de Klerk, Mr Bertus Kruger and more.
A registration fee of N$300 per person applies and provides for attendance of the Forum for 3 full days and includes two lunches, two dinners, all tea, coffee and refreshments during the day as well as a visit to Farm Düstenbrook with tea/coffee/refreshments and a lunch on the third day.  This registration fee also provides for an information file with the programme and abstracts of all papers to be presented.  Professionally done proceedings of the Forum will also be made available to you as part of the registration fee.  Note that accommodation in Windhoek during the Forum is your own responsibility!!!
All farmers and people in the agricultural industry are invited to attend the Forum.  The Forum can host a maximum of 150 participants.  Since this event is extremely popular, you are urged to book your attendance with MarietaGrobler at +264 81 124 8701, Fax: +264 61 290 9354 or e-mail well in advance.  A detailed programme is also available from Marieta upon request.
Windhoek Show livestock entries
A record amount of large and small stock entries were received for the 2012 Windhoek Show. It is requested that breeders should sent their cancellations timeously to the show office. This will ease the planning. Please contact H Kruger at
Show dates for 2012:
Stampriet: 5 – 7 September
Keetmanshoop: 6 – 8 September
Grootfontein: 19 – 21 September
Otjiwarongo: 24 – 26 September
Gobabis: 24 – 26 September
Windhoek: 28 September – 6 October

FA and other news
The Sandveld Research Farm offers a veld fire prevention and management course on August 29 at 08:00 at the Sandveld Research Farm. This course is for all farmers and their farm managers. Permitting the weather, a practical veld fire extinguish course will be held at 14:00. The costs are N$250 per person which includes all meals. Overnight accommodation is available but people have to bring their own bedding. Please also take along proper clothing and firefighting equipment. Please register at the Sandveld Research Farm, Tel 062 568014 (office hours), 062 568093 (after hours), or

Osire/Waterberg FA is holding its „Inter Farmers Association Sports Day – 2012 FarmerOlympics“ on September 1 at 07:00 at the Osire Waterberg farmers hall at Farm Osire Noord. Individual sports which are offered are airgun shooting, bokdrolverspoeg and soccer wall. Entertainment for the children and general entertainment such as a mini show, tasty food and dance is offered. Each team has to consist of 8 members of which at least 2 must be women. Entrance fee per team is N$100 and social teams are welcome to take part. Entrance fee is N$80 for adults, N$40 for children up to 13 years and children under the age of 6 are free of charge. The entrance fee includes dinner and dance. For further details contact  Piet van Vuuren, Tel 081 2562666, or Dagmar Wilckens, Tel 067 306201, 081 2807829,

The annual Harvest Festival will be held on September 1 at 14:00 at Farm Ghaub of André and MarilizeCompion. Guest speaker is Mr Ryno van der Merwe of the NAU and the day will be concluded with a dance with “Fredbuzz”. Entry fees are N$80 for adults and N$30 for primary school children. For further details contact MarilizeOosthuizen, Tel 067 240362,
The annual Spring Symposium which is hosted by the Otjiwarongo FA will be held on September 4 & 5 at the NG Church hall, Otjiwarongo. It will be in form of a course and the theme is „Grazing for profit“. It will be offered by Mr Bruce Brown of RCSSA of South Africa and the aim is to help farmers to manage and use their rangeland more sustainably and economically. Mr Brown recommends that participants bring along stationery, a calculator, records of grazing and herds, rainfall and prices of various components. The costs are N$500 per person which includes meals. Please register before August 29 with Callie Steenkamp, Tel 081 3326292, For further details contact Thinus Pretorius, Tel 081 1282429 or Johan van Schalkwyk, Tel 081 252166.

A ground nut information day will be held on September 5 in the Rundu vicinity and on September 6 in Grootfontein an information day. The LNR cultivar tests from last year will be discussed by Mrs Lourraine Salomon, an agronomist of South Africa and she will also give information on how ground nuts must be treated in order to get a maximum production. The 2013 prices will be announced and the ground nut plant near Grootfontein which is planned in 2013 be discussed. For further details contact Dawie Kok, Tel 067 232654, 081 2616173,
The Limousin Breeders Association is hosting a judging course on September 6 & 7 at Farm Ombuerendende of Sigi and Heide Baas. The course is offered by Messrs Willie Grobler and Barend Dorfling and costs N$500 per person. Enquiries can be addressed to Ellie Lottering, Tel 081 2924917,

Hoërand FA is holding a member meeting on September 12 at 09:00 in the FA hall at Farm Stubbenkamer, Maltahöhe district. The theme is “Small stock farming” and speakers are Mr Pieter Hugo from Agra Professional Services and Danie de Lange from Feedmaster. The day will be concluded with a bring and braai and everybody is welcome. For further details contact MarykaTruter, Tel 081 2624146, Burger, Tel 081 3792626,
Summerdown FA is hosting a loose goods fund raising auction on September 15. Farmers who would like to enter their goods, must please contact Henriette le Grange at Tel 081 1249670,

A Dexter course will be held by Mr Willie Grobler on October 6 at 08:00 at the Agra/Bank Windhoek Ring, Windhoek Showgrounds. For further details contact Carina Jansen van Vuuren, Tel 067 312918,

Westelike Khomas FA is holding a meeting on October 17 at 15:00 at the Harmonie hall. For further details contact Amanda Greef, Tel 064 551565,

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