
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Namibia Agriculture Union Weekly News: 5 October 2012

Namibia Agriculture Union:

Disclaimer: Although everything has been done to ensure the accuracy of information, the NAU takes no responsibility for actions or losses that might occur due to the usage of this information.

In today’s newsletter –
* NAU and LPO hold their congresses
* Land valuations shock agricultural land owners
* De-bushing on Agenda of GIZ
* FA and other news

NAU and LPO hold their congresses
The Livestock Producers Organisation (LPO) Congress will be held on October 9 & 10 at the Arebbush Lodge, Windhoek and the theme is „Animal health status for economic growth – Namibia situation?“ Guest speaker is Dr Gideon Brückner from South Africa. The Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU) Congress will be held on October 10 & 11 at the Arebbush Lodge Windhoek and the theme is „A conducive environment for investment in agriculture“. Guest speaker is Dr John Purchase from the Agricultural Chamber in South Africa. Keynote speaker at the official opening of the Congress on October 10 is the president of the NCCI, Ms Martha Namundjebo-Tilahun. On October 10 from 08:30 – 13:00 the NAU Women’s Day will be held at the Vintage Coffee Shop, c/o Robert Mugabe and Luther Str, Windhoek. Guest speakers are Ds Dirk Louw and Mr Manfred Janike.

Land valuations shock agricultural land owners
The provisional valuation rolls which were drafted by the Ministry of Lands and are open for inspection at various places, have caused dismay amongst land owners. Besides numerous administrative mistakes, the land valuations have increased with up to 380% in some cases.

After discussions with the Ministry of Lands, the Ministry undertook to make new sets of valuations rolls available as from Friday, October 5, 2012 which hopefully will address the administrative mistakes of the current rolls.

The original vehement reaction of land owners on this enormous increase in the land valuations for land tax purposes compelled the president of the NAU, Mr Ryno van der Merwe to make an appointment with the Minister of Lands, Mr Alpheus !Naruseb.

The visit of the NAU was to get clarity about the process which was followed for the determination of the land valuations. Even though the process was explained in detail by the Ministry, there are still uncertainties by the NAU if all aspects as contained in the Regulations, namley carrying capacity, bush encroachment, tourism, position from towns, etc are reflected in the current land valuations. It was clear that with the drafting of the valuation rolls, the Ministry placed emphasize on the the current prices at which farms are negotiated and that this was most probably the predominantly factor for the determination of the land values.

Mr van der Merwe maintained  a strong view point that the NAU is not against the principle of land tax as already agreed upon during the National Land Conference in 1991, but that any form of tax, including land tax, should be at all times reasonable, fair and affordable. The question is whether this astronomic increase in land values which will lead to exceptional high assessments of land tax, comply with the requirements of tax.

This matter is on the Agenda of the NAU Congress and will be discussed on Thursday, October 11  during which Congress will take a decision about the way forward.

De-bushing on Agenda of GIZ
The GIZ, the development arm of the German government in Namibia, currently is busy with an evaluation of the de-bushing problem in Namibia for which the German government has made N$40 million available. An initial meeting was held with the relevant role players on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 to determine the assistance for which the N$40 million can be used. The GIZ expects to make the assistance available mainly in the following 5 components–
·         proven techniques for use of biomass and value chain
·         assistance to current pilot projects
·         technical assistance for the use of biomass, for example generating electricity
·         policy- and legal framework to exploit and use of biomass and
·         data base for information and the availability thereof

A team of consultants from the GIZ are currently busy talking to role players individually and will visit the NAU on Monday, October 8 to get inputs for the possible use of available funds.

Notice of replaced RFID ear tags
Producers need to notify DVS in the case of RFID ear tags having to be replaced, because the electronic button got lost or is faulty/ damaged.  Producers should notify DVS of the replacement by completing the relevant field on the Animal Registration Card of the new ear tag. In the left hand corner, underneath the print of the new ear tag, there is an option to fill in the number of the replaced ear tag (8 digits). The previously distributed Ear Tag Replacement Notice Forms will not be available for this purpose anymore.
Thank you very much
We, Heinz and Heidi Kaiser, would like to take this opportunity to thank all farmers, neighbours, farm workers, all helping hands which we did not even know and last but not least all members of the Gobabis and Witvlei Farmers Associations and Witvlei fire brigade who helped extinguish the veld fire on our farm, Gerard on September 21. Thank you, your support meant a lot to us.

We thank you
During the “BIG FIRE” September 24 to 27: south-south west of Karibib it burned out of control. With wind directions from all four corners, about 100 000ha burned down. Unselfishly everybody came to assist and at this opportunity we (Cashbox and Bieries Farm Gamikaub) would like to thank: MarmorwerkeKaribib who supported us farmers with inter alia a helicopter as well as all neighbours/farmers, non-farmers, the Defence Force, even Windhoek and Walvis Bay people who came to help. It was encouraging to see so many supporters (even though we could not see each other through the smoke). To everybody who lost grazing (we 95%), let’s look up and pray for early rain. A VERY BIG THANK YOU, your unselfish service is truly appreciated and will not go unnoticed. We say thank you.

Thank you
Junior, Erna and William Versfeld would like to thank all fellow farmers, neighbours and volunteers from the adjacent vicinity for their support and assistance with the veld fire on the farm Devonby in the Gobabis area on Friday, September 21 until September 22. Your support and unselfish assistance is truly appreciated.
Thank you
Our warm thanks and appreciation to all farmers and their workers and even the volunteers from Windhoek who helped and gave support during the veld fire which raged on Farms Langbeen, Rietfontein, Elisenhohe, Tsatsathas and Neubrack. Your speedy reaction was of great value and is highly appreciated.
We say thank you
Christie and RendaGrobbelaar herewith would like to thank the following people most gratefully who helped extinguish the fire on Farm Morgan: Witvlei Farmers Association, Steinhausen Farmers Association, Epukiro Farmers Association, Summerdown Farmers Association, all neighbours, fellow farmers, family and friends. We really appreciate it. 
FA and other news
A Dexter course will be held by Mr Willie Grobler on October 6 at 08:00 at the Agra/Bank Windhoek Ring, Windhoek Showgrounds. For further details contact Carina Jansen van Vuuren, Tel 067 312918,

Steinhausen FA is holding a member meeting on October 16 at 15:00 at Farm Steinhausen in the FA hall. Guest speaker is Dr Ferreira of Virbac, South Africa and he will talk about BVD. For further information contact MaykeRumpf, Tel 062 561422,

WestelikeKhomas FA is holding a meeting on October 17 at 15:00 at the Harmonie hall. For further details contact Amanda Greef, Tel 064 551565,
Witvlei FA is holding a general meeting on October 17, 2012 at 15:00 at the Farmer house at Witvlei. Guest speakers are Mr RiaanEsterhuizen from Bank Windhoek who will talk about Testament and Estate planning for farmers and Mr Gerald Engelbrecht of DH Security Solutions who will talk about security products especially for farmers. For further details contact Monica Bouwer, Tel 062 570317,

The Afrikaner Breeders are hosting an information day on October 18 at 14:00 at Neudamm Research Farm. Speaker is Mr Herman Duvenhage from the Afrikaner Breeders Association in South Africa. Further details from Florence Hamman, Tel 060800 4708,

Omuramba FA is holding a meeting on October 23 at 15:00 at Kroonster. Guest speaker is a person from Eisab Mining. Further details from Christa Engelbrecht, Tel 062 571540,

Karibib FA is holding a meeting on November 17 at 17:00 at Kaltenhausen. For further details contact Mrs Gladis, Tel 061 248480,

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