
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Namibia Agriculture Union Weekly News: 12 October 2012

Namibia Agriculture Union:

Disclaimer: Although everything has been done to ensure the accuracy of information, the NAU takes no responsibility for actions or losses that might occur due to the usage of this information.

In today’s newsletter –
·         Land Evaluation attracts a lively debate at the NAU Congress
·         Achievers in agricultural sector honoured
·         New management at NAU and LPO
·         FA and other news

NAU Congress: Nictus Group (Nictus Furnishers, Corporate Guarantee, Auas Motors).
Official opening: Mutual & Federal and Standard Bank
LPO Congress: First National Bank and Santam. Meatco braai: Meatco.
Land Evaluation attracts a lively debate at the NAU Congress
As expected, the representatives of all the farmers’ associations lively participated in the debate about the provisional land evaluation for land tax purposes which became known last week.  After thorough reasoning the Congress formulated the following decision:
Congress re-confirms its full support to the Ministry of Lands and Resettlement as well as the Government of Namibia for a successful and peaceful land reform process in Namibia.  This support is included in the payment of land tax and in various documents and reports that have been made available to the Ministry.  
Congress conveys its appreciation to the Ministry of Lands and Resettlement for its “open door” policy in terms of the Ministry’s strategic goals as well as the opportunity that the NAU receives to discuss important matters with the Ministry. 
2012 Provisional Land Valuation Rolls
  1. Land owners find it confusing how the 2012 provisional land evaluation was compiled when looking at the face value and comparing it with the official utility stocking that was drawn up by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry. 
  2. Furthermore, it is also confusing and difficult to understand how adjacent farms within the same utility stocking area have land values that differ with as much as 100%.  Also how farms with the same climatological and physiographic geography that lies in an area with a higher production value, have land values up to a 100% lower than areas with a lower production value. 
  3. Congress feels that the astronomical increase in land values, some as high as 630%, are neither affordable nor fair.  Land Tax is also not deductible as an expense item for the purpose of income tax and should thus, as in the case of income tax, be deductible from the Net Farming Profit. This can cause a drastic increase in the maximum rate for income tax of 37% payable by the individual which will make farming as a business non-profitable. 
  4. Land owners take note that they can object to their provisional land value on the prescribed “Objection Form no. 1”.  These objections must reach the Ministry of Lands before 02 November 2012 in order for a hearing to take place in the Valuation Court scheduled from 5-7 December 2012. 
  5. Land owners also take note that they may be represented in the Valuation Court as per Article 13 (3) of the Regulation 120, published in the Government Gazette no 3870, dated 03 July 2007, 

It is against this background that Congress requests the Executive Council of the NAU to:
A.   Enter into urgent discussions with the Ministry of Lands and Resettlement to gain clarity on the process that they followed to draw up the 2012 valuation rolls. 
B.   To bring the effect that the unaffordability of the land tax based on the 2012 provisional land valuation rolls and the effect of this on the value chain of the agricultural economy as well as the creation of employment in the commercial agricultural under the attention of the Ministry. 

C.   If -
i. It can be proven above all doubt that the process preceding and the valuation rolls do not comply to requirements as prescribed in the Regulations; and  
ii. The Ministry agrees that the land tax based on the 2012 provisional valuation rolls are unfair and unaffordable: 

The Ministry to retract the 2012 provisional valuation rolls and correct it to comply with the principles of the Regulations and to comply with the principles of fairness and affordability.
D.   As interim alternative it is proposed that the current land tax is adapted with 35% which directly correlates with the weighed average increase in producer prices from 2007 – 2012.
Achievers in agricultural sector honoured
The highest award of the NAU, namely the AgriStar was awarded during the official opening of the NAU Congress to Mr Mecki Schneider, well know farmer and Brahman breeder in the Grootfontein area. During the presentation the outgoing president of the NAU, Mr Ryno van der Merwe said that Mecki, despite his farming interest, spends a lot of energy in various organisations in the agricultural sector. He is very driven to get results and was also elected as chairperson of the LPO (Livestock Producers Organisation) during the LPO Congress.
The NAU/Mutual & Federal Young Farmer of the Year this year is Mr HannesVisagie and his wife Jomarie of Farm Nabome, south east of Aranos. During his judging, Hannes did exceptionally well in all aspects of the judging and is, in spite of the attention his farming enterprise requires, also very much involved in organised agriculture and is also the Regional Representative for the Hardap region.
Mrs Sonja Pack of Witvlei was appointed Agricultural Woman of the Year. Besides being a brilliant farm woman, she is very involved in the community of Witvlei and especially at the hostel and school in Witvlei which is also attended by numerous children of farm workers.
The NAU would like to congratulate these top achievers in the commercial agricultural sector with their achievements.
The Community Project of the Year was awarded to the Kunene for Christ project in which the Excelsior Farmers Association is also involved. This project contributes greatly to the community in the Kunene region which inter alia includes training to emerging farmers, erecting boreholes, involvement at schools and the communities and especially Mrs Wilma Schoeman plays an important role in the success of this community services.
Other awards which were made were –
Most active Farmers Association (FA)  –Summerdown FA
Most active Regional Agricultural Union (RAU) – Keetmanshoop RAU
Media Personality of the Year – Ms Brigitte Weidlich
Congratulations to all this organisations and persons.
New management at NAU and LPO
Mr Derek Wright of the Farm Okatjeru in the Windhoek district was elected president of the NAU during the NAU congress. Mr Wright has a long career in the business world and inter alia served as Managing Director of Alexander Forbes Financial Services Namibia. He is an expert of pension funds and is inter alia also on the management of the Social Security Commission. He has a wide knowledge of especially labour matters where he served as management member and chairperson of the AEA (Agricultural Employers Association).
He is married to Leoni and currently farms on Farm Okatjeru where his son Roy is also a professional hunter.
Well know Mecki Schneider of Farm Okamutombe in the Grootfontein district has been elected chairperson of the LPO (Livestock Producers Organisation) during the LPO congress. Mr Schneider also received the NAU highest award, the AgriStar award during the NAU congress. Mecki has inter alia a Master degree in electrical engineering and was author and co-author of various journals. He is a well known Brahman Breeder and currently is the president of the Brahman Breeders Association.
The NAU would like to congratulate both these leaders and trust that they will get the full cooperation and support of the members.

FA and other news
Steinhausen FA is holding a member meeting on October 16 at 15:00 at Farm Steinhausen in the FA hall. Guest speaker is Dr Ferreira of Virbac, South Africa who will talk about BVD. For further information contact MaykeRumpf, Tel 062 561422,

WestelikeKhomas FA is holding a meeting on October 17 at 15:00 in the Harmonie hall. For further details contact Amanda Greeff, Tel 064 551565,

Witvlei FA is holding a general meeting on October 17 at 15:00 at the farmer house at Witvlei. Guest speakers are Mr RiaanEsterhuizen of Bank Windhoek who will talk about Testaments and estate planning for farmers and Mr Gerald Engelbrecht of DH Security Solutions who will talk about special security products for farmers. For further details contact Monica Bouwer, Tel 062 570317,

The Afrikaner Breeders are hosting an information day on October 18 at 14:00 at Neudamm Research Farm. Speaker is Mr Herman Duvenhage from the Afrikaner Breeders Association in South Africa. Further details from Florence Hamman, Tel 060800 4708,

The Brahman Breeders are hosting a symposium on October 23 at 14:00 at the Agra/Bank Windhoek Ring, Windhoek Show grounds. The theme is “Breeding for adaptability under Southern African extensive farming practices”. Guest speakers are Prof Fricke Nester of the Free State University and Dr Gael Schulz of the Agricultural Research Board, Pretoria. For further details contact Keep Leper, Tel 081 1240648,

Omuramba FA is holding a meeting on October 23 at 15:00 at Kroonster. Guest speaker is a person from Eisab Mining. Further details from Christa Engelbrecht, Tel 062 571540,

Karibib FA is holding a meeting on November 17 at 17:00 at Kaltenhausen. For further details contact Mrs Gladis, Tel 061 248480,

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