
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Livestock Management Activities: May + June

 The Annual Livestock Management Calender can be downloaded at:

Cattle Vaccination Calender (annual) is available at:
1. Determine carrying capacity of farm and compile the stock flow and feed flow budget
2. Vaccinate heifers against Brucelloses. Brucella S19 for heifers younger than 9 months and Brucella RB51 if older than 9 months
3. Vaccinate calves with a 2nd Botulism and black-quarter combination (4-6 weeks after first vaccination)

4. Record cow mass and weaning mass of first calf cows and their calves
5. Perform pregnancy testing
6. Order broad spectrum internal external parasite remedy (dose) for calves
7. Brand calves still suckling
8. Weigh previous years weaners for 18 month weight/mass (heifers)
9. Continue with Mineral-Protein-(Energy) supplementation with commercial licks like Econo Grass veld lick, Cow/calf lick or Dryveld Concentrate with salt 50:50 mix available at AGRA

Self Mixing of Winter Supplementation (Winter Lick). Mix as follow:

Raw Materials
Urea 10%
Molatek or Enerfeed 35%
Salt 49,9%
Futterfos (DCP 18) 5%
Sulphur 0,1%
Total Mix 100%

Protein 292 g/kg with Molatek and 320 g/kg with Enerfeed
Phosphate 9.7 g/kg minimum
Calsuim 12 g/kg minimum
Energy 3.8 MJME/kg minimum
Sulphur 1g/kg minimum

Cost of the lick:

N$ 2327.96/ton or N$116.40/50kg bag with Molatek 
N$2216.15/ton or N$110.81/50kg bag with Enerfeed

Mixing instructions for 1 Ton (20 bags of 50kg) of Winter Supplementation (lick)

Urea 100kg (2x50kg bags)
Molatek 350kg (8.75x40kg bags or Enerfeed 350kg (7x50kg bags)
salt 499kg (10x50kg bags)
Futterfos 50kg (1x50kg bag)
Sulpur 1kg (1kg Swavet container)
Total Mix: 1000kg 

Feed adlib. Cattle will consume from 150-500 g/day depending on the size of animals

Please be aware that the lick contains urea (NPN) and must be fed strictly according to specifications. For any further enquiries please contact me (Renier Burger) directly at na

Cattle Management Activities for the rest of the year:

July Management Activities:

September Management Activities:

October Management Activities:

November/December Management Activities:

January Management Activities:

February Management Activities:


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