
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cattle Management Activities: February

The Annual Livestock Management Calender can be downloaded at:

Cattle Vaccination Calender (annual) is available at:
Body Condition
Continue supplementing phosphate (P) with the green vegetation.

Mix your own P6 for phosphate supplementation as follow:

33 % Futterfos (P 18)
50% Salt
17% Molatek Molasses meal 

Lactating cows should at least consume a minimum of 6 gram of Phosphate a day (browsing green bush also contribute to P intake). Therefore the minimum intake per lactating cow/day should be 100 grams of the P supplement. This is needed for milk production, growth and building body reserves during the green season. The same apply for growing cattle, assimilating body reserves during this period.

Make sure breeding cows have a body condition of at least 3 (working bulls at least 4 to 5) when going into the mating season (picture above). This will lessen the effect of lactation an-estrus, improve the chance of re-conception during the mating season, shorten the Inter Calving Period, improve calving % and therefore herd fertility and ultimately income....If the body condition is below 3 additional feed like Enerfeed (Feedmaster), albida pods, hominey chop etc. should be fed to the cows (1-2kg/cow/day).
1st Week:

  • Dehorn Calves

2nd Week:
  • Artificial Insemination (AI) stops around 8 February. Cows that was not inseminated goes to "opruimings"/clean up/reserve bulls. Observation of AI cows continue 
Artificial Insemination

4th Week:
  • Heifer mating season ends
  • Weigh all cattle for biomass and weigh heifers for mass at the end of mating season

Meatco News and Prices: 28 January to 3 February 2013

For a better view: Click on Image
Let wel, die kontrak premie van N$1.50 soos afgekondig vir hierdie jaar, is nie ingesluit in hierdie afgekondigde prys nie en word as ‘n agterskot na die afloop van die periode uitbetaal.


Seeing that we have a number of urgent matters to deal with re: Strategic Planning process, Board session and Meeting in Feb, Ownership with a possibility of Meatco Members Meeting also in Feb, it is hereby suggested to postpone the FLC Meetings to the 25-27 March 2013.
25 March – Windhoek
26 March – Okahandja
27 March – Tsumeb
Ons het nog 5 weke tyd (tot einde Februarie) om kontrak te teken vir die 2de Periode 2013 (April tot Augustus). 
Indien u nie by enige van die Meatco dienskantore kan uitkom vir ondertekening nie het ons Proxi-vorms beskikbaar wat u kan voltooi en aan u Meatco dienskantoor kan terug stuur per e-mail of faks.  Laat weet indien u van hierdie opsie wil gebruik maak, sodat ons ‘n Proxi kan deurstuur.  Dan kan ons die kontrak namens u voltooi en dit daarby aanheg.  U het tyd tot einde Julie om die oorspronklilke Proxi aan ons te pos of by ons in te handig. 
Vir meer besonderhede kontak asb. ons dienskantore.
Kalenders en sakboekies is beskikbaar in die kantore.  
Verifering op 90/40 dae van diere wat gelewer word aan Meatco vir verslagting is uiters belangrik.  Heg asb die skriftelike bewys van bevestiging aan die slagadvies van die vrag wat gelewer word.  Hierdie reeling is slegs om teleurstelling en frustrasie te beperk indien iets sou foutgaan en die bees dalk nie sou kwalifiseer teen die tyd dat u bees geslag moet word nie.  Dit moet verkieslik asb ‘n onlangse veriferingsbewys wees.
Hierdie 90/40 dae veriferingslyste kan op die volgende maniere bekom word:
  • Direk vanaf die Online Databasis van Namlits geprint word, by dieselfde web-adres waar u die laaste tye ook die permitte kan online aanvra.  Hierdie funksie werk uitstekend, baie van my produsente gebruik dit en kom nooit meer in ‘n DVS kantoor, behalwe as hulle self ‘n permit moet inhandig.  Die webadres
  • Dit kan by Namlits self aangevra word by Enquiries (
  • Indien u hulp nodig het met die verifering is u meer as welkom om die nommers aan u Meatco dienskantoor deur te gee, sodat ons dit namens u met NamLITS kan verifeer. 

For more information contact:

Louise Vermeulen
Chief Clerk: Livestock Procurement
Meat Corporation of Namibia,  MEATCO32 Bahnhof Street, Otjiwarongo, Namibia
P.O. Box 765, Otjiwarongo, Namibia
Fax2e-mail :  0886518605

Namibia Agriculture Union Weekly News: 25 January 2013

Namibia Agriculture Union:
Disclaimer: Although everything has been done to ensure the accuracy of information, the NAU takes no responsibility for actions or losses that might occur due to the usage of this information. 

In today’s newsletter: 
  • Provisional 2012 Land Valuation Rolls will be reviewed
  • NAU EM on NBC TV
  • Request for Information
  • FA and other news
  • WEEKLY Exchange Rate NAD (19-25 January 2013)
Provisional 2012 Land Valuation Rolls will be reviewed 
At a press conference of the Ministry of Lands and Resettlement on January 25, 2013 the Minister of Lands, Mr Alpheus !Naruseb said that the provisional Land Valuation Rolls which were officially withdrawn, will be reviewed for submission later this year. It can be expected that they will be available around April where-after a date will be announced for a Valuation Court to submit objections. 

The Minister said that he appreciates the cooperation of organised agriculture and the manner in which some problems with the provisional 2012 Land Valuation Rolls were addressed. The Land Valuation Rolls were mainly withdrawn due to legal aspects which change from constitutional objections to the interpretation of the Regulations and that the value of the infrastructure were not realistically taken into consideration in all cases.

When asked whether the production potential of land for the determination of land values for land tax purposes will be taken into consideration in future, the Valuer General, Mr Mackay Rigava said that it will be taken into consideration. 

The Minister also requested all role players to cooperate to address land reform in Namibia so that the program for land reform can be concluded at a certain stage. 

The Executive Manager of the NAU, Mr Sakkie Coetzee will be on the NBC TV program “Business Today” on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 20:30. The NBC interviewed him about the possible support to the dairy industry as well as other current projects of the NAU.  

Request for information 
In 2013 the Gobabis Show will be 50 years old. They are busy compiling a comemorative album about the past 50 years. An urgent request is done for any information (stories, photo’s, funnies, historical moments, etc) to the Show Society. All items must be clearly marked so that they can be sent back. Please sent this information to   or to P O Box 1120, Gobabis. 

FA and other news 
Dr Lichtenberg of the Gobabis Veterinary Practice is offering a K.I. course at the Sandveld Research Farm from January 29 – 31, 2013. For any further details contact Gobabis Vet at Tel 062 563877,  

Karasberge FA is holding a management meeting on February 7 at 12:00 and a General Meeting at 15:00 at the FA hall. For further information contact Amelia van Rooyen, Tel 063 280677,  

Dordabis FA 
is holding a meeting on February 7 at 14:00 at the FA ha
Permalinkll. Guest speaker is Mr Mihe Gaomab of Biofuels. For further details contact Mrs Christine Romeis, Tel 061 231230,  or  

The Meatco Inter Farmers Association braai competition will be held on April 12 & 13 at the school grounds of the Elnatan School, Stampriet. Artists who will entertain at the competition are the Sarel du Toit Boere orkes and Thys the Bosveldklong. Further details will be given in due course and can be obtained from Dina Kotze,  
The Young Farmer farmers day will be held on May 15 & 16 at Farm Nabome, Aranos of Hannes and Jomarie Visagie. Further details will be given in due course and can be obtained from Hannes Visagie, Tel 081 1249902 or 063 275342,  

WEEKLY Exchange Rate NAD (19-25 January 2013)            
January                  EURO    USD      POUND    PULA
Saturday       19    11.834    8.886    14.096    1.109
Sunday         20    11.834    8.886    14.096    1.109
Monday         21    11.802    8.864    14.027    1.109
Tuesday        22    11.784    8.858    14.050    1.109
Wednesday    23    12.014    9.028    14.309    1.121
Thursday       24    12.071    9.025    14.249    1.114
Friday            25    12.107    9.046    14.267    1.116


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Farm Safety Concern Erongo Region: Another Farm Attack

Karibib area  where the attacked occured

Farm safety (and stock theft) remains a concern in Erongo region as jet another farm attack happened on the 23rd of January 2013 on the farm Riksburg in the Karibib area. The same farm where Mrs. Lottie Jooste was brutally attacked on the 9th of  November 2009. She later died in hospital as a result of her injuries. 

Mr. Albert Jooste, son of late Mrs.Lottie Jooste was attacked Wednesday evening, 23 January 2013 around 22:15 on farm Riksburg by 3 assailants as he returned from a barbecue on the neighbors farm. He was shot at, beaten and tied up. The attackers were apparently Oshiwambo speaking, and were looking for weapons and money.  Mr. Jooste managed to escape to a laborers house where he managed to make a cellphone call to the Police and his neighbor who arrived shortly afterwards. The assailants manged to disappear with the keys of his vehicle.

Read more (in Afrikaans) at:

Farm Kanona and Kasandara in the Omaruru area that was attacked during November 2012.  Read more at:

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Tribute to the Quanza river, Angola

Quanza river, Angola
The Quanza river in Angola is very beautiful place. We (Burger family) spent our December holiday there. If interested you can access the photo's at:

and the fishing video at:

Read more about this wonderful expedition at:

A special word thanks to our new friends in Angola. We had a wonderful time... 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Meat Prices and Meat Board News: January 2013

Read more at:

Meat Board increases Classification Levies

The Meat Board has endeavoured for quite a time to let the carcass classification service of the Meat Board take place on a cost-recovery basis. It has always been cross-subsidised by the General Levy, in other words, the livestock exporters also paid for the classification service that is carried out by the Meat Board at export abattoirs. In order to let the classification levy take place on a cost-recovery basis, a special classification levy was introduced. On request of the Mat Board the Honourable Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry announced the following classification levies with effect
from 15 January 2013:
  • N$20.00 per bovine carcass;
  • N$4.00 per sheep or goat carcass and
  • N$6.00 per pig carcass,
  • and from 1 July 2013:
  • N$22.00 per bovine carcass;
  • N$4.40 per sheep or goat carcass and
  • N$6.60 per pig carcass.

  • This levy replaces the previous classification levy, and 50% thereof is paid by the producer and 50% by the abattoir.

Friday, 18 January 2013 11:34

Meat Industry Delegation from Botswana visits Meat Board

A delegation consisting of officials from the government and the Botswana Meat Commission visited the Namibian Meat Board in order to get a general view of the Namibian meat industry.
Visits were also paid to, among others, Meatco, the Witvlei abattoir, the Directorate of Veterinary Services and the Agricultural Unions. It is interesting to note how often the progressiveness of the Namibian meat industry attracts visitors from especially Africa to establish or adapt their own industries.

Friday, 18 January 2013 11:32

America audits Namibia

The Food Safety and Inspection Service of the American Department of Agriculture will visit Namibia from 28 January 2013 to 1 February 2013 to audit whether the recommendations made after the previous audit have been implemented. Especially aspects regarding the inputs with food safety and meat residues by the Directorate of Veterinary Services will be addressed.
We wish the Directorate of Veterinary Services success with the audit.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Job Opportunity in Zambia: Ranch Manager


Zambezi Ranching & Cropping is a large mixed farm situated 40 kms North of Lusaka . The company runs a very large herd ( 4000 breeding cows ) of commercial cattle as well as small sheep & goat flocks .

ZRC is looking for a person qualifying for a few , if not all , of these attributes :

  • A passion for livestock farming
  • A willingness to work as a team player in a corporate agricultural environment
  • A positive outlook
  • Hard working & honest
  • Able to control a large labour force
  • Pasture management & planning in both dryland & irrigated situations . Knowledge of legumes
  • Good knowledge of herd health & the ability to perform PD’s &  diagnose basic herd health problems
  • AI experience
  • Problem solving & good planning ability
  • Able to work within a budget
  • Computer literate
  • Fluency in English

The  job will entail day to day running of the ranch , decreasing reliance on ‘ bought in food ‘ , increasing herd fertility , decreasing time of selling ( from weaning ) , control of bush encroachment & poaching , reports to MD  etc . This position will suit an exceptional person with a minimum of 5 years experience in this field .

The package will include the following ;

·         Accommodation on farm
·         Company vehicle & fuel as per budget
·         Medical aid
·         Cell phone line
·         Computer
·         Salary commensurate with experience
·         13th cheque

This is a great opportunity for a highly self motivated person & is a Long term position .

Please refer all applicants to :

Phone # : + 260 966 860 531 .

Namibia Agriculture Union: Weekly News: 18 January 2013

Namibia Agriculture Union:
Disclaimer: Although everything has been done to ensure the accuracy of information, the NAU takes no responsibility for actions or losses that might occur due to the usage of this information.


In today’s newsletter:
·         Provisional valuations rolls withdrawn
·         Livestock Producers Organisation (LPO) makes submission about Meatco ownership
·         Mr Raimar von Hase chairperson of the Karakul Board
·         EU-inspection in February
·         FA and other news

Provisional valuations rolls withdrawn
In terms of Government Notice No 5 as published in the Government Gazette 5119/2013, the Ministry of Lands and Resettlement has withdrawn the provisional valuation rolls as well as cancelled the Valuation Court which should have taken place from May 20 – 31, 2013.
This decision of the Minister of Lands is welcomed by the NAU and is based on the negotiations of the NAU with the Minister and Valuer General of the Ministry of Lands and Resettlement and which was supported by the huge amount of objections which were submitted by land owners. We trust that the Ministry will now follow a process to compile valuation rolls for land tax purposes which will be acceptable for both the Government and land owners.
The NAU as role players will continue with negotiations with the Ministry of Lands in order to reach this goal.

Livestock Producers Organisation (LPO) makes submission about Meatco ownership
The LPO management decided on Monday, January 14, 2013 to accept the invitation of the PS of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Forestry to comment on the proposed legislation and Regulations of the future Meatco ownership. The PS made this invitation already to role players last year during a series of meetings which were held from December 3 – 15, 2012 when the proposed legislation and Regulations were discussed with producers and role players.

Currently the managment is busy preparing a submission and already requested an appointment with the PS before January 31, 2013 which is the last date for submissions to reach the office of the PS.

 Mr Raimar von Hase chairperson of the Karakul Board
Mr Raimar von Hase was elected chairperson of the Karakul Board for a further term with Mr Gabriel Biwa as vice chairperson.
Further Board members are Mr J Slava Motinga, Ms Julene Meyer, Ms Dagmar Honsbein and Mr Paulus Apollus. Alternate members are Mr Leon van Wyk, Mr Reinhold Schreiber, Mr Peter Kazmaere and Mr Pieter Hugo.

EU-inspection in February
Producers should note that the next European Union (EU) inspection / audit will take place from 19 February 2013 to 1 March 2013. The visit will include the evaluation of controls in terms of animal and public safety with respect to the production of fresh and game meat destined for the EU markets and certification procedures.

The inspection will also scrutinize the implementation of guarantees by the competent authority (Directorate of Veterinary Services) as requested by the previous EU visit.

Producers are therefore requested to co-operate with and be prepared for the visit by the EU inspection team. This includes the following: 
  1. Animals, from the age of six months, should have double ear tags and appear on the central database.
  2. The blue FANMeat file with the registers should be up to date. This includes the livestock register, Form A: (register dealing with the treatment of animals with medicine and other substances), Form B: (register dealing with feeds and licks) and Form C: (register dealing with the training of labourers).
  3. The animal health questionnaire, which should be completed twice yearly, should also be handed in.
There are more requirements farmers should meet, like animal welfare standards, the storing of chemicals, licks, etc. Producers are requested to go through the FANMeat manual and to ensure that they meet all the necessary requirements.

Producers that receive this notice should please inform their fellow producers who do not have access to this information about it.

The Livestock Producers’ Organisation (LPO) will keep their members informed about the preparations for the EU inspection.

Also take note of the following inspections which occur in 2013: 
  • FSIS (VSA) – end January 2013;
  • China - March 2013;
  • OIE (World Organisation of Animal Health) –first quarter 2013.
Okahandja factory closing for maintenance
Meatco’s Okahandja plant will close for slaughter on 31 January 2013 for annual maintenance. The factory will re-open for slaughtering on 10 April 2013. In the meantime the Windhoek factory will remain open for slaughter.

NAU acknowledges sponsors
As part of the acknowledgement the NAU gives to its sponsors, the sponsors get the opportunity to introduce their products in the newsletter from time to time. The following article was received by Corporate Guarantee of the Nictus Group as sponsor of the NAU Congress.
Manage your risk effectively with Corporate Guarantee
Corporate Guarantee is part of the Nictus Group which has been doing business in Namibia for over 66 years. We are proud of our heritage and the relationships we have built up with our clients over the years, especially also with the farming community. A Corporate Guarantee policy allows you to insure yourself in a tax efficient manner. Monies paid into the Corporate Guarantee policy stays yours and you are rewarded for good risk management by means of a no claims bonus. The self-insurance policy can be used to save on insurance costs as well as to cover potential losses that are usually too expensive to insure or which other insurers are unwilling to insure.

FA and other news
Dr Lichtenberg of the Gobabis Veterinary Practice is offering a K.I. course at the Sandveld Research Farm from January 29 – 31, 2013. For any further details contact Gobabis Vet at Tel 062 563877,
Dordabis FA is holding a meeting on February 7 at 14:00 at the FA hall. Guest speaker is Mr Mihe Gaomab of Biofuels. For further details contact Mrs Christine Romeis, Tel 061 231230, or
The Meatco Inter Farmers Association braai competition will be held on April 12 & 13 at the school grounds of the Elnatan School, Stampriet. Artists who will entertain at the competition are the Sarel du Toit Boere orkes and Thys the Bosveldklong. Further details will be given in due course and can be obtained from Dina Kotze,
The Young Farmer farmers day will be held on May 15 & 16 at Farm Nabome, Aranos of Hannes and Jomarie Visagie. Further details will be given in due course and can be obtained from Hannes Visagie, Tel 081 1249902 or 063 275342,

Exchange Rate
