Wednesday, June 29, 2011

OKFC Farmers Day at Daweb West

The Omkhaibasen Farmers Cooperative organised a Farmers Day at Daweb West on 25 of June 2011. The event was very successful and was attended by farmers and Extension staff from Extension Services in Erongo Region

In the photo's: Mr Keib andMr. Tsamaseb Extension Technicians from Okombahe and Otjimbingwe

In the photo: Mr Ganinab, Extension Technician from Uis making a proposal

In the photo: A group photo of participants

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Abattoir prices Namibia for the week 20 to 24 June 2011

Omaruru Blaauberg Livestock Auction, 17 June 2011

A total of 260 Cattle were sold at the Omururu Farmers Association auction kraal on the 17th of June 2011 by Blaauwberg Auctioneers.

In the photos: Livestock on offer, Farmers and processing of payments by Blaauberg Auctioneers

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

DEES Erongo Regional Visit 6 to 10 June 2011

The management team of DEES,Erongo visited all 6 ADC's(Omatjette, Okombahe, Uis, Spitskoppe, Otjimbingwe and Utuseb) in the Erongo region. The purpose of the visit was to meet with all the staff on individual basis to assess the needs and concerns of staff members in the region. Staff members are very happy about the good team spirit and cooperation in the Region. Most of the complaints was regarding the difficult procurement process in the Region. Severe flood damage to grazing in the lower Kuiseb Delta is severely affecting the Topnaar farmers with livestock losses occurring on a daily basis.

In the photos: Omatjette staff with Mr. Nekwaya and Mr.


Mr. Booys, Mr. Ganinab (SAET: Uis), Mr. Christiaan (CAET:Omaruru) and Mr. Nekwaya (AEO: Omaruru) at Uis ADC

Grazing (Stipagrostis Uniplumis) in Okombahe area

Swakop River still flowing at Otjimbingwe

Upgrading of the small stock shelter at Utuseb in the Namib desert

Abattoir prices Namibia for the week 13 to 17 June 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Farewell Felix

After 25 years with Extension in Erongo Region Felix has moved on to greener pastures with a promotional post as Control Agriculture Extension Technician for the Southern Division. He will hence forth be based in Windhoek. We will miss you dearly.
In the photo:
Below: Mr. Christiaan the Master of Ceremony reflecting on the memories of Felix's stay in the Region and on top Mr Hum

pries saying goodbuy