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Namibia Agriculture Union: http://www.agrinamibia.com.na/ |
In today’s newsletter –
Charcoal production has great potential
National Land Reform Forum
Pig producers will hold member meeting
and information day
16th Namibia Rangeland Forum
FA and other news
production has great potential
commercial area in Namibia can annually produce up to 7,4 million ton charcoal
in comparison with the current 120 000 ton. This conclusion was made by Dr
Trede of DECOSA who was the keynote speaker at the recent member meeting of the
Charcoal Producers Association in Otjiwarongo. Dr Trede however cautioned that
certain changes inter alia will have to be made with the issuing of harvest-
and transport permits if they want to reach this potential. It will also have
to be urgently looked into more friendly labour legislation which enables
charcoal producers to employ more employees.
to Mr Graeme Gartner there is a big potential for European markets even though
this is mostly dependant on the European weather pattern. It has to be adhered
to that the harvest and producing of charcoal fall within the international
guidelines of environment conservation as well acceptable labour practices. To
reach this aim, the charcoal producers will have to produce even more according
to FSC (Forestry Stewardship Council) standards.
Tobias Konzmann of “Energy for the Future” gave an interesting lecture about
the N$200 million investment which was made to harvest and process intruder
bush as energy source for the Ohorongo cement factory between Otjiwarongo and
Otavi. The harvesting is done on neighbouring farms, according to specific systems
and it is expected that the various farmers must do aftercare.
FransHolzkampf who was chairman of the Charcoal Producers Association for the
past 3 years is succeeded by Mr Willem Groenewald, who is also the chairman of
the Forestry Council.
Land Reform Forum
National Land Reform Forum which has been officially established about a month
ago by the Minister of Lands, Mr Alpheus !Naruseb, came one step nearer to
reality during a workshop which was held in Windhoek on August 9 & 10.
Delegates from approx 12 organisations attended the workshop which mainly
concentrated on the finalisation of the Terms of Reference of the Forum as well
as to identify points for the Agenda of the Forum.
Forum is a composition of various government-, parastatal- and private
organisations who are involved in land reform in Namibia. Mr Tommy Beyer of the
Polytechnic of Namibia was elected as chairperson with AdvSigriedTjiorokisa of
the Bankers Association of Namibia as vice chairperson. The NAU is represented
on the Forum by the president, Mr Ryno van der Merwe with the Executive
Manager, Mr Sakkie Coetzee as secundi.
NAU put the possible change of the current mechanism of offering land onto the
Agenda. According to the NAU land owners will be more willing to offer their
land if it is offered in the open market and that Government exercises its
pre-emptive right following the price which is paid in the open market.
According to the NAU this change in the mechanism will also stabilise land
prices on more realistic levels. Other matters which were proposed as Agenda
items, include the productive use of land, the national vision and targets for
land reform and the relationship between land reform and sustainable
agricultural production.
producers will hold member meeting and information day
producers are requested to diarise the following date when feedback about the
latest developments in the pork industry are given: Tuesday, September 18, 2012
at the NAU board room, Windhoek. A detailed program on which the keynote
speaker will be announced.will follow soon.
Position of Research filled at the NAU
The position of Manager: Research and Development which became vacant
with the resignation of Ms Elaine Smith in September 2011, is again filled. Mr
Wally Roux, a well known in economic circles started service at the NAU on
August 16, 2012.
Mr Roux has an Agric Econ degree from Stellenbosch as well as a Masters
Degree from London. Mr Roux has extensive knowledge in research and he is also
seen as a specialist for international trade. Mr Roux will handle many of the
projects, which have been contracted out in the past few months, himself. The
NAU trusts that Mr Roux will add value to the personnel corps of the NAU and
that he will be happy in the agricultural family.
Namibia Rangeland Forum
Professional Services is organising the 16th Namibia Rangeland Forum
from 11-13 September 2012 at the Arebbusch Lodge in Windhoek. The theme of this year’s forum is: Bush Encroachment – an ASSET or LIABILITY”? Presentations and discussions will be
focusing on the following three topics: 1) Physiological, Socio Economic and
Ecological Aspects of Bush and Bush Control; 2) Bush Control and Utilisation
Methodologies and Practices; and 3) Sustainable Bush and Rangeland
Management. The third day of NRF16 will
be a field visit to the farm Düsternbrook outside Windhoek to
look at the effect of controlled fire on bush encroachment and rangeland
rehabilitation. Speakers are the Forum is inter alia Honourable Minister John
Mutorwa of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Forestry, Mr Ryno van der
Merwe, president of the NAU, Dr Axel Rothauge, Mr Dave Joubert, Mr Nico de
Klerk, Mr Bertus Kruger and more.
registration fee of N$300 per person
applies and provides for attendance of the Forum for 3 full days and includes
two lunches, two dinners, all tea, coffee and refreshments during the day as
well as a visit to Farm Düsternbrook with
tea/coffee/refreshments and a lunch on the third day. This registration fee also provides for an
information file with the programme and abstracts of all papers to be
presented. Professionally done proceedings
of the Forum will also be made available to you as part of the registration
fee. Note that accommodation in Windhoek during the Forum is your own
farmers and people in the agricultural industry are invited to attend the
Forum. The Forum can host a maximum of
150 participants. Since this event is
extremely popular, you are urged to book your attendance with MarietaGrobler at
+264 81 124 8701, Fax: +264 61 290 9354 or e-mail marietag@agra.com.na
well in advance. A detailed programme is
also available from Marieta upon request.
Leadership Summit
Global Leadership Summit will be held in Windhoek from 19 – 20 October at the
Dutch Reformed Church Windhoek West. The theme is “Lead where you are” and
speakers are inter alia Mr Bill Hybels from the Willow Creek Community Church,
Ms Condoleezza Rice, former US Secretary of State, Mr Jim Collins, National
Business Thinker and Author, MS Sheryl Wudunn, Best-selling author, Mr Mario
Vega, Senior Pastor from El Salvador, Mr Geoffrey Canada, President & CEO
of the Harlem Children’s Zone, Ms Pranitha Timothy, Director of Aftercare,
International Justice Mission, India and many more. Early bird registration
(before August 30) is N$300 and the regular price as from September 1 is N$350
and scholars are N$280. For any further enquiries or registration please phone
Tel 061 226834, admin@ngwes.com
and also visit the website www.willowcreeksa.co.za.
Show livestock entries
record amount of large and small stock entries were received for the 2012
Windhoek Show. It is requested that breeders should sent their cancellations
timeously to the show office. This will ease the planning. Please contact H
Kruger at wsslivestock@africaonline.com.na.
Gobabis RAU is holding a farmers day on
August 20 at 09:00 at Xain Quas (about 8km outside Gobabis on the Witvlei
raod). The theme is „The future of the Namibian Farmer“. Guest speakers are Mr
Ryno van der Merwe, president of the NAU, Mr Frikkie Engels and a representiative
from the Meat Board. All farmers, members and non members of the NAU as well as
emerging farmers are invited to attend this day. For further details contact Mr
Willem Boshoff, Tel 081 2411740, gslu@mweb.com.na.
Otavi FA is holding a member meeting on
August 21 at 09:00 at the Otavi FA hall. Guest speaker is Mr Hellmut Förtsch of
the Agricultural Employers Association. Please register with and address any
enquires to Christine Stoman, Tel 067 304971, 081 2446034, stoman@mweb.com.na.
Kaiserstreet FA is holding a farmers‘ day and
meeting on August 21. At 15:00 the new poultry farm is visited, at 18:00 Dr
Joggie Briedenhann will talk about the puchase of bulls and at 19:00 the member
meeting will start. Dr Briedenhann’s talk and the member meeting are held at
the Social Club at the Agra Head Office, Bessemer Str, Southern Industrial
area, Windhoek. Registration is N$50 per person and further details and
registration can be addressed to Gerda van der Westhuizen, Tel 061 253016, kaiserstraatfarmersassociation@gmail.com.
Karasberge FA is holding a meeting on
August 23 on 14:00 at the FA hall. Further details from Christine, Tel 081
7759424, elias@iway.na.
Bethanie FA is holding a meeting on August
23 at 17:00 at the Bethanie Guesthouse. Further details from Ina de Klerk, Tel
063 683521, ina.deklerk@gmail.com.
Nguni Breeders Association is
holding a junior inspector course on August 23 & 24 at the Sandveld
Research Farm. Costs are N$500 per person which includes accommodation, meals
and the course material. For further details contact Gudrun Middendorff, Tel
061 222140, info@nguni-namibia.org.
The Sandveld Research Farm
offers a veld fire prevention and
management course on August 29 at 08:00 at the Sandveld Research Farm. This
course is for all farmers and their farm managers. Permitting the weather, a
practical veld fire extinguish course will be held at 14:00. The costs are
N$250 per person which includes all meals. Overnight accommodation is available
but people have to bring their own bedding. Please also take along proper
clothing and firefighting equipment. Please register at the Sandveld Research
Farm, Tel 062 568014 (office hours), 062 568093 (after hours), sandres@iway.na
or halbichr@iway.na.
Windhoek Agricultural Extension office will
hold a lecture about everything of FANMeat and the NAMLITS system. This lecture
will be held on August 23 at 17:45 at the Windhoek Extension office, c/o
Luderitz& Fidel Castro Str, Windhoek. The lecture will be offered by
persons from the Meat Board and NAMLITS system. For further details and to
register, please contact Nadi at Tel 061 2044112 or Norbert at 081 1700113, neumannn@mawf.gov.na.
Osire/Waterberg FA is holding its „Inter Farmers Association Sports Day – 2012
FarmerOlympics“ on September 1 at 07:00 at the Osire Waterberg farmers hall
at Farm Osire Noord. Individual sports which are offered are airgun shooting,
bokdrolverspoeg and soccer wall. Entertainment for the children and general
entertainment such as a mini show, tasty food and dance is offered. Each team
has to consist of 8 members of which at least 2 must be women. Entrance fee per
team is N$100 and social teams are welcome to take part. Entrance fee is N$80
for adults, N$40 for children up to 13 years and children under the age of 6
are free of charge. The entrance fee includes dinner and dance. For further
details contact Piet van Vuuren, Tel 081
2562666, pietvanvuuren@mtcmobile.com.na or Dagmar Wilckens, Tel 067
306201, 081 2807829, wilckens@iway.na.
The annual Harvest Festival will be held on September 1 at 14:00 at Farm Ghaub of André
and MarilizeCompion. Guest speaker is Mr Ryno van der Merwe of the NAU and the
day will be concluded with a dance with “Fredbuzz”. Entry fees are N$80 for
adults and N$30 for primary school children. For further details contact
MarilizeOosthuizen, Tel 067 240362, omarilize@gmail.com.
The annual Stampriet
Show will be held from September 5 – 7, 2012. There will be Dorpers,
Damaras, van Rooy’s, Swartkop Persies, Goats and Kalahari Reds. The following
auctions will also be held: weaner, cattle, bulls, Dorper Topram and
Inter-breed ram. To register and for more details contact Izak Meyer at
063-260230 / 081 212 1177 / ijmeyer@iway.na. For bookings of stands please contact Dina Kotze at
063-260169 / 081 1275524 / tobie@mweb.com.na.
Limousin Breeders Association is
hosting a judging course on September 6 & 7 at Farm Ombuerendende of Sigi
and Heide Baas. The course is offered by Messrs Willie Grobler and Barend
Dorfling and costs N$500 per person. Enquiries can be addressed to Ellie Lottering,
Tel 081 2924917, franseli@iway.na.
Hoërand FA is holding a member
meeting on September 12 at 09:00 in the FA hall at Farm Stubbenkamer, Maltahöhe
district. The theme is “Small stock farming” and speakers are Mr Pieter Hugo
from Agra Professional Services and Danie de Lange from Feedmaster. The day
will be concluded with a bring and braai and everybody is welcome. For further
details contact MarykaTruter, Tel 081 2624146, hardegat@iway.na.orBartie Burger, Tel 081
3792626, antoiburger@gmail.com.
The Ministry of Agriculture,
Water and Forestry will host a Water Investment Conference from
September 12 – 14, 2012 at the Safari Conference Centre, Windhoek. The aim is
to bring together all role players (water users, providers, NGO’s, water source
manager, development partners, etc) to discuss matters such as investments in
the water sector, exchange information, promote local production of plants,
etc. Persons who would like to exhibit products can contact MsNaumkoloMwangala
or Ms Florence Kamona at Tel 061 2087200/1. General enquiries can be addressed
to waterconference2012@mawf.gov.na
or the website can be visited at www.nwic.com.na.
Summerdown FA is hosting a loose goods fund
raising auction on September 15. Farmers who would like to enter their goods,
must please contact Henriette le Grange at Tel 081 1249670, hh@iway.na.
A Dexter course will be held by Mr Willie
Grobler on October 6 at 08:00 at the Agra/Bank Windhoek Ring, Windhoek
Showgrounds. For further details contact Carina Jansen van Vuuren, Tel 067
312918, orpheus@mweb.com.na.
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